Page 50 of Requital

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“They are tears of happiness, my darling,” I reassure him, pulling his hand into mine. “Your daughter was just showing me her wedding dress.”

Unlocking her cell phone again, I watch as Sumner shows Hawke the dress she has found and, even more excitedly, how much she paid for it. Sadly for Sumner, and even though he is doing a great job of faking happiness, her father does not share the same enthusiasm as she does. Thankfully because she is caught up in her excitement, she doesn’t pick up on it.

“I know it means a lot to her, but I just can’t get excited over a piece of clothing,” he whispers when Sumner returns to her seat beside Tatum. “Did I at least look happy for her?” he questions.

“Of course,” I giggle in reply.

Letting out a soft sigh of relief,mi osorelaxes. Hawke squeezes my hand and smiles before thanking me for being with him tonight.

Like I would be anywhere else.

Just as I reply, the waitresses start surrounding us with our meals and the conversations around the table shift again.

Standing, Hawke commands everyone’s attention to give a toast.

“To my daughter, Sumner,” he begins. “The joy you have brought into my life is something I will never be able to repay you for. I wish you and Tatum nothing more than love and happiness for your future together.”

A collective cheer can be heard around the table as he sits. From the corner of my eye, I witness the beautiful interaction between Hawke and Sumner as she mouths the wordsthank you.

“Can we eat now?” Mark suddenly asks. “I’m starving.”

The chorus of laughter that erupts around the table erases any melancholy left over from Hawke’s speech, once again lightening the mood. The sound of Charlie’s voice scolding her husband for his lack of tact and poor timing only entertains everyone further.

It’s moments like these that I wish would never end.



My internal alarm clock was one thing I could never change when I retired from active duty. Every morning for as long as I can remember, I’ve woken at five o’clock, and today is no different. Even though I am an early riser, my woman appears the complete opposite. Although I cannot blame her this morning, considering it was late when we returned home from dinner with Tatum and Sumner.

On our drive back to our hotel, I admitted to Em that I was worried about stopping Patrick in time so that nothing would interfere with the wedding. There was no way I could admit to Sumner the real reason Sean and Hadley had gone away, especially after all she had been through. Causing unwanted concerns so close to their big day seems unnecessary; even Mark agreed with me.

What I do need to do, though, is discuss a plan of attack with Mark and Jackson on how we are going to put an end to Patrick’s tirade. Dinner last night wasn’t the right place for any discussion, but it did allow Mark to advise me of Jackson’s arrival this morning.

“You know you can wake me,” a disheveled Emily mumbles as she stumbles into the kitchen.

“And what would be the point of that?” I question, wrapping my arms around her.

With her face firmly resting on my chest, I gently tell her there is no point in both of us being awake if we don’t need to be. As her pregnancy progresses, the more exhausted she becomes and the more rest I would prefer she get. Her grumbled response vibrates on my chest, causing her annoyance at my laughter.

“You’re impossible,” she grumbles, pushing me away.

“Isn’t that why you love me?” I tease.

She sits at the dining table as she waves off my teasing.

“What time is it, anyway?”

Checking my watch, I relay that it's quarter to eight. If her groan is anything to go by, I’m guessing she has an early morning appointment. Confirming my suspicions, Em states she has a video conference with a fellow psychiatrist to provide an update on a patient of hers. From what I can recall, the young girl was referred to Emily by her colleague due to her residing in Virginia. I don’t know the full extent of what is wrong with the girl, but I do know Emily has to relay her findings monthly due to who the girl’s father is.

“I am meeting with Jackson, Mark, and Antony in half an hour, so you will have the place to yourself.”

Thanking me, she admits to feeling rotten for having to ask me to leave. The case itself is one she isn’t supposed to discuss with anyone, including me, due to whom the girl’s parents are. I remind her that I understand the sensitivity and have no problem making myself scarce. I also don’t want to give Em any reason for concern, and her video conference will now allow me to meet with Ant and the others without any suspicion.

“How long will you be gone?”

Picking up the keys, I turn and approach her. Kissing the top of her head, I tell her I’m not sure but will message her with an update once I know more. As I close the door, I swear I hear Emily ask me to be careful. I hesitate a moment as I consider replying, yet quickly decide against it. I don’t doubt it’s what she said as it’s become a habit for her since we returned from Bojayá.
