Page 58 of Requital

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Hawke: We have located Sean. We are en route to his location now.

“They’ve found him,” I joyfully tell Sumner.

“Oh, thank God,” she excitedly exclaims.

All we can do now is pray that he is found safe and well.



“Have you updated Emily?” Antony asks from the seat beside me.

We have no idea what or who is waiting for us, yet we are en route to Sean’s location. We also have no idea if Sean is okay, but none of that matters, especially to his wife, who is behind the wheel.

Nodding, I tell him yes.

As soon as the location was confirmed and we’d entered the vehicle, I texted Em to tell her we’d found him. As usual, her reply included her begging me to please be careful.

Finding him as quickly as we have lifted the somber mood engulfing us since Hadley arrived earlier today.

There was a feeling of hopelessness amongst the team as we had no clue about his location and were starting to worry that we’d never locate Sean in time. It’s funny, yet it was Hadley’s brother Gerrick who provided us with the vital intel required to make the breakthrough.

When Hadley phoned him upon her arrival, Gerrick mentioned that one of his men had just mentioned activity at the brothel their mother once worked in. What made the information so vital is that all the brothels his father once operated have been shut down for years, especially the one in which their mother worked and resided.

Under protest and because of what’s at stake, Gerrick agreed to wait until after Hadley checked the building. Under normal circumstances, he would have already done it himself. Based on his lieutenant's intel, Gerrick believed Patrick was using the facility to hold Sean.

Knowing his sister would want to be the one to find her husband, he mentioned the discovery when she called. Hadley also relayed that Gerrick is concerned one of his men may be aiding Patrick, and he asked his sister to confirm. I pity them if it’s true because I know first-hand what Gerrick is capable of and what he does to those who betray him.

“We’re here,” Hadley confirms, slowing to a stop.

Following suit, Jackson and the others pull in behind Hadley, who has stopped the vehicle some distance away from the building we believe Sean is being held in. Gathering out front, Hadley advises there are only two entries into the brothel, which we can only assume will be heavily guarded.

“How do you want to run this, Hadley?” Jackson questions as he approaches.

Everyone on the team standing before me has a reason to want Patrick dead.

Antony, for obvious reasons. Mark as retribution for the death of his wife’s father and the threat on the lives of Charlie and their children. Jackson for the trauma they put him and Catherine through, and the rest of his team because of the hell Patrick and Christopher inflicted on their team, their family. In this instance, though, there is a universal understanding that Hadley will be the only one who will get the honor of killing Patrick.

Hadley is also the only one here who knows the exact layout of the building.

“There is a small window at the rear of the building that leads into the basement,” she begins. “When Gerrick and I were children, we would use the basement to sneak out because the room was hidden and always unguarded.”

According to Hadley, the basement was only used to house the heating and cooling systems for the brothel. The room she refers to appeared to originally have been used as a storage closet located at the far end of the basement. The only two who ever knew of its existence were Gerrick and Hadley, so she believes it will be the safest way of entering without Patrick or his men noticing. The only catch is it’s a small window that only Hadley can fit through.

“I don’t like it, Hadley,” Ant angrily declares. “You have no idea what you are walking into.”

Placing her hand on his arm, she pleads with her father-in-law to trust her. She has been in worse situations, facing graver odds, and has come out the other side victorious. Unfortunately, if anyone can get into the building without being noticed, it is Hadley.

The girl is like a ghost, a dangerous one at that.

“You don’t need me to tell you to be careful,” he grumbles.

Hugging Hadley tightly to him, he thanks her.

When he releases her, she asks for what, to which he replies, “For your love and loyalty to my son and my family.”

His words bring tears to her eyes, and even though they try to hide it, to those surrounding them. Regaining composure, Hadley details the layout of the building. Once inside, she tells us there will be three levels. One is the basement which she doubts anyone will bother with, the second has six rooms, and the third has four large BDSM-themed bedrooms.
