Page 65 of Requital

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I have been planning this day for the last three months, yet I’m not even remotely excited for some reason. I’m more anxious about it, which I’m told is perfectly normal. Part of me believes it’s because I’m being forced to be the center of attention, which I hate, and the other thinks I’m not ready for such a serious commitment. Both are stupid reasons for the jittery feeling that hangs over me like a dark cloud.

Neither Tatum nor I really wanted a maid of honor or best man initially, but as the day neared, we decided it would be a lovely tradition to uphold. Not knowing what to do, I spoke with Sophie, who told me to pick with my heart and worry less about what others think. In the end, my heart knew that Hadley was the one I wanted standing beside me when I married my soul mate. As it worked out, Tatum had grown close to Sean, so he was his choice for a best man.

“Let’s do this,” Hadley smiles brightly, linking her arm with mine.

As much as my adoptive parents tried, they could only calm me to a certain point. Hadley, though, that girl only had to say one sentence, and whatever doubts I harbored disappeared in a heartbeat. Smiling back at her, I reply before allowing her to lead me toward my future husband.

After Sean was rescued and Grace returned to them, Hadley and Sean spent a couple of weeks in Brooklyn before traveling to Australia for a well-deserved vacation. Gerrick, her brother, complained that she never visited him anymore, and he missed his niece, so they agreed to stick around so they could spend quality time together. The brother-sister relationship Gerrick and Hadley have is an unusual one, yet their bond is unbreakable and something I adore. Until Abigail, I never had siblings and lived my life through Tatum, who has two.

As we approach the entrance to the barrel room, where we will first exchange our vows before sitting for the reception, I catch sight of my grandparents seated in the front row. I was worried that I would no longer be able to recognize them, but they haven’t changed at all, except for becoming older and grayer.

“Mom, mom, mom,” I hear my sweet Abi babble.

Bending to kiss her cheek, I direct her to where Grace and Mackenna are standing at the front of the line. Behind them is Callum, who has our rings on the cushion he is begrudgingly holding, and behind him is Hadley.

When the music begins, I hear Charlie call to the girls from behind the chairs gesturing for them to start walking. The look she gives Callum makes me smile because I have no doubt he is pulling a face at her when she tells him to start walking. Once he is far enough in front, Hadley begins her descent down the aisle, just leaving me.

“It’s time,” my father whispers in my ear, linking his arm with mine.

Before pulling my veil over my face, I smile slightly at him. Allowing him to lead us down the carpet, I keep my eyes fixed firmly on Mark Dixon. As we walk toward him, I can’t help but think of all the things I am thankful for because of the man beside me. Regardless of how he plays it down as if it’s nothing, it is because of him I live the life I have today, and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

Stopping before Mark and beside Tatum, I suddenly feel that nervousness flow over me again. Sensing my tension, my father tightens his grip in acknowledgment, releasing it as quickly as it had begun.

Once ready, Mark begins. “We are all gathered here today to witness the union of Sumner and Tatum.”

Here we go …

“I had the pleasure of getting to know Sumner when she became a nanny to my son and daughter. Although her time with our family was short, I have continued to watch as she has blossomed from the shy, awkward girl I first met to the beautiful, confident woman she is today.”

His words are going to make me cry.

“It is an honor for me to be able to stand before you all to officiate the union between Sumner and Tatum, so without further ado, let’s begin. A parent's love knows no boundaries or conditions, and no father is willing to give away their daughter. There is no precedent for the father-daughter relationship between you, Hawke and Sumner, but I need to ask, do you give your blessing for the union between Sumner and Tatum?”

Releasing his grip on my arm, my father guides my hand onto Tatum’s and saysI do. He gently kisses my cheek with a smile before leaving to take his seat next to the woman I consider my mother.

Was that a contraction?

Not wanting to divert my attention away from my mother, I reluctantly turn back to face Tatum.

“Now that you are facing each other, do you, Sumner, take Tatum to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?”

With a smile on my face, I tell him I do and listen as he repeats the same to Tatum. When Tatum’s face lights up as he also says I do, my heart feels like it’s about to explode. It took me so long to believe that Tatum could ever love me, especially after my attack, and now that I do, I can’t imagine there ever being a day when he won’t be by my side.

“I have something I want to say,” Tatum suddenly declares.

“From the moment we met Sumner, it’s always only ever been you.” He begins. “You are my light, my love, but mostly you are my best friend, and I will treasure every waking moment that you allow me to be your husband.”

Here come the waterworks.

“With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

As the room erupts around us, the tears I’ve worked so hard all day to restrain flow freely and unrestrictedly. It’s been a long journey to get to where I am today, but now that I am here, I can honestly say I’m more at peace with who I am than I have ever been.

“I’m delighted to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Tatum O’Neil,” Mark concludes.

From the corner of my eye, I see my dad suddenly jump out of his seat. Turning to face him and mom, I catch mom’s face wincing in pain, and her hand grabs at her stomach.
