Page 66 of Requital

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It was a contraction!

“Tatum, call the paramedics,” I demand, rushing toward my heavily pregnant mom.

“I’m so sorry, Sumner,” she cries in pain. “I tried to stop it from interfering with your special day.”

Charlie, Catherine, Jackson, and Mark appear beside me suddenly. Behind them is the Valentine family. Kneeling before her, I tell my new mom not to be silly; there is no way she could have predicted she would go into labor today.

“Mark, take the guests and lead them into the reception room. The last thing Emily needs is to be crowded,” I hear Charlie dictate. “Jackson, can you please ask the waiter if they have any towels we can borrow just in case Emily’s water breaks?” she continues.

“I’ll see if they have any ice chips,” Catherine informs Charlie. “They helped me when I was in labor.”

“I will take our group into the reception, Sumner,” Sophie whispers beside me. “You stay here as long as you need.” She smiles.

“What can I do for you, sweetheart?” my father quietly asks gripping mom’s hand.

“Loosening your grip on my hand would be good,” she jokes. “I thought I was supposed to be the one with the death grip.”

Laughing, he releases her hand and tells her how much he loves her.

“The paramedics have just arrived,” Tatum calls.

“Promise me,” Em declares as she is placed on the stretcher. “You will continue your celebrations.”

As much as I’d rather be at the hospital with them, Tatum and I agree.

“Mark will read out my speech,” my father informs us as the paramedics wheel the stretcher down the aisle toward the exit.

Kissing me on the forehead before hugging me tightly, my father tells me how proud I made him today and how he wishes Tatum and me a long, loving marriage. Thanking him, we watch until the ambulance disappears from sight.

* * *

“Sweetheart, I think a train has run over my head.”

Laughing as quietly as I can, I tell my darling husband I’m not surprised, considering how much alcohol he’d consumed last night during our reception dinner. Groaning, he pleads with me to show him where I hide the Tylenol. In all the years I have known Tatum, I don’t believe I have ever seen him consume alcohol. As much as it amuses me to find him not so quietly rummaging through my cupboard, I rise from my seat and grab the packet for him.

“I love you, Sumner,” he declares.

“I love you too, now take your medicine and go back to bed,” I scold.

Groaning, he swallows his tablets and stumbles his way back to our bedroom.

As much as I wanted to unwind and revel in the celebrations, I couldn’t because my mind kept drifting elsewhere. Thankfully, Charlie kept me updated during the evening on any progress with mom’s labor, which at least allowed me to relax slightly. I do wish that I hadn’t agreed to allow Hadley to look after Abi for the night because I could really use the distraction right now. When my cell buzzes, I rush from my seat to locate it.

Dad: Baby James Michael Lawrence arrived safely at 6:55 am this morning. Both mom and baby are doing well, and the doctor said to allow Emily some time to rest before visitors arrive.

Me: OMG, dad, that’s wonderful news! Congratulations to you both! Tatum and I will visit after lunch.

Dad: Thank you, darlin’. We will see you then.

Even though my thoughts were consumed with him and mom, I loved how special my and Tatum’s wedding reception felt. Everything, including the decorations, was perfect, and for what felt like the millionth time, tears fell down my cheeks when Mark read out my father’s speech. It was a blessing to watch everyone, including the kids, laughing and enjoying themselves. There hasn’t been much to be joyful for over the past year, but I’m glad we made last night a night they will never forget.

I may be thankful for finding Hawke and Emily, but I am also privileged to be able to call Mark and Charlie family. So many people have come into my life over the last few years, and as much as I would prefer not to have been attacked, I believe it’s what I needed. It’s a weird thing to say, but my traumatic experience set me free, and it placed me on the path I was meant to travel.

“Honey come back to bed, please,” Tatum calls from the bedroom.

Now that I know my new little brother has arrived safe and sound, I should rest a little more before visiting. If Tatum thinks I’m returning to bed for sex, he will be sorely disappointed.

