Page 67 of Requital

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I missed Christina’s birth, and I always regretted it. That moment you witness your child entering the world is a joyous occasion that is not to be missed. I may have been absent then, but I wasn’t when my beautiful Emily gave birth to our son, James Michael Lawrence.

When we reached the hospital last night, there was concern that our little boy may need added medical assistance due to him being four weeks premature. When he made his entrance, he wasn’t only bigger than they anticipated and had a set of lungs I believe the whole hospital could hear.

Right now, though, Em and James are both peacefully resting. The doctor recommended I leave and do the same, but I declined. I was in awe of Emily and her strength during the labor, and it made me the happiest man alive to be able to be in that labor room to support her however I could.

“Go home and sleep, darlin’.” Em’s groggy voice groans.

“I’d rather be here with you and James,” I reply.

“We are not going anywhere.” She smiles.

“I know, but I’m comfortable here.”

Quietly laughing, she tells me to do as I please before dozing off to sleep.

When I met Emily a couple of years ago, I never envisioned our relationship developing into anything, let alone what it has grown into today. I never believed a man such as myself deserved happiness, as I could only see the pain and suffering I brought to those around me. Emily has forced me to change my perspective, and by doing so, the heaviness that once followed me around has now been lifted.

Regardless of whatever the future holds, I know I’ll no longer be facing it alone, and surprisingly it brings me a sense of peacefulness I’d never been able to find. Meeting Emily was fate, and I may not have believed much in fate before our coincidental meeting, yet I do now. I was always supposed to bump into my woman that day because someone destined that we were meant to be. I want to say it’s funny how things have turned out since that day, but with everything we’ve endured to get to where we are, it’s far from that.

I know I’ve been given a second chance at life, and as I look over my sleeping partner and child, I promise that this time I won’t waste it. I will ensure that I treasure every moment this time, creating endless memories while making the most of every opportunity I have with my new family.

There was a quote my father once relayed to me when I told him of my engagement to Georgia about when you love what you have, you have everything you need. I didn’t understand his words or meaning at the time, and sadly I lost it all before I had the chance. This time around, I will heed his words because this room holds everything I could ever want or need, along with Sumner and Abi.

“I love you,mi oso,” Em whispers as she turns to face our son.

“I love you too, my darlin’.”

The End
