Page 19 of Fated

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“Of course, I would do anything for you,” I answer honestly, enjoying the feeling of her in my arms.



I face off against the guys in the living room, steeling my spine. “Okay, it’s time we face my parents again. Nic did you let your parents know we’re coming?”

The guys all stare back at me with various degrees of dread. Even though we agreed to do this, I think they were still hoping for another solution to miraculously appear.

“Yes, I let them know we are coming and I’ve got the charms, so we should be good. Are you sure you want to do this?” Nic asks.

His eyes are pleading with me to find another way but there isn’t one, and we all know it. They don’t want me hurt by my parents again and the idea of letting them loose is terrifying to them. They want to protect me and I can’t fault them for that, but Anna needs this and that’s what matters now.

“I’m sure. We have the charms, and we could take them if we need to. They don’t have any weapons. They’re our best hope for getting this amulet,” I say firmly.

“We know, let’s do this,” Jay says and starts heading for the door. I appreciate his support.

Everyone follows him outside. There was a fight about leaving Anna here unprotected but the guys reminded me no one has found the cabin yet. She’ll be safe here, and we might need all the man power we can get if it comes to a fight.

We make our way outside and past the barrier before forming a circle. I tap into my magic and imagine the shack at Nic’s family home. I feel a pull and grab my guys to go with me.

We land in the grass on the edge of their land with the hut in front of us. Nic’s mom and some of his dads are there waiting.

“Hello,” Nina, Nic’s mom says, going in to give Nic a kiss. She proceeds to give one to each of us and I get a tight hug as well.

I smile and hug her back, appreciating her warmth and acceptance of me.

“Let’s get this over with,” Jeremy says, making his way to the door.

“We will wait out here but shout if you need us,” Nina says as we make our way inside.

We fan out inside the room. My parents don’t look horrible, clearly Nic’s family has been taking care of them like I asked. I appreciate that they were willing to do that even though hunters have come after them for years. I’m sure it was hard on them, but they did it for me.

“Hi mom, hi dad,” I say, breaking the silence.

They both sit up from the cots they’re laying in and stare at me. They’re clean and clearly being fed since they haven’t lost weight. I know it’s not a comfortable situation, but it’s better than a lot of the alternatives.

“Aly dear, you’re here,” my mom replies.

“Yes, I’m here. How are you doing?” I ask, really wanting to know.

“They’re actually taking care of us, I imagine we have you to thank for that.” Mom runs her hand through her hair self consciously.

“I’m glad,” I say honestly.

“It’s more than we would have done if the roles were reversed,” my dad adds, and he sounds genuinely bothered by that. Like maybe their kindness has shown him another side to things.

“I was wondering if you would be willing to help me?” I ask and I can hear how vulnerable I sound. It will really hurt if they deny me this. This is their chance to show me they’re trustworthy, that they can be my parents.

We all hold our breath as we wait for a response, we don’t have to wait long.

“Of course, anything. What do you need?” My mom sounds hopeful.

“It’s a long story, you know my best friend Anna?” I go on to tell them about Anna becoming a vampire and the sire bond. Their faces get hard when I tell them she attacked me.

“Simple. Kill her,” my dad says like I was asking for advice on what to do.

My back goes straight and anger floods my veins. Of course they think the solution is to kill my best friend, she’s a vampire, what else would they think?
