Page 2 of Fated

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“Do. Not. Look at me like that! Anna is not a lost cause! We are going to rescue her and that’s all there is to it!” I’m shouting but I want my point to be extremely clear.

“Okay, okay, don’t panic. We are going to help her, don’t worry.” Jay rubs a soothing hand up and down my back.

Everyone nods and gives me reassuring expressions.

“Promise?” I demand.

“We promise,” Nic responds, “for now, I’ll keep her knocked out while we find a way to counter the sire bond.”

“Okay,” I softly agree.

Anna will be fine, I’ll make sure of it.

I try to sit up, feeling like I should be recovered enough by now but my head spins as I do.

“Whoa,” Jax says as he catches me from falling back to the ground, “take it slow. You lost a lot of blood.”

“Shouldn’t I be healed by now?” I whine but before Jax tells me, I know why I’m not.

“Draining a hunter of all their blood is one of the few ways to kill them, so it will take longer for your body to heal. Relax, we are here for you.”

I let Jax lift me off the floor and carry me over to the couch. Jay moves Anna to her bed and I give him a grateful smile.

“You’re sure she won’t wake up on her own?” Jeremy asks Nic, looking at Anna with distrust.

I’m glad they’re protective and care about me but it can’t be Aly above anyone or anything else.

“Yes I’m sure. She’s out and I’ll keep strengthening the spell.”

We all settle into an awkward silence in the living room of my apartment with Anna. It feels like a different life to be back here. I’m not the same girl I was.

“So, what’s next?” I ask, looking mostly to Nic for a plan.

“Well, we still need to stay under the radar while we search for a solution for Anna. I think we should recruit our parents to help find an answer.” Everyone nods their approval so Nic continues, “we can’t stay here, the apartment is still not safe. Let’s take Anna back to the cabin.”

“As soon as she can, Anna will need to be back in school. Her parents will notice if she misses too much class, and we don’t need more attention,” I say.

“Well, we will try to get her back here as soon as we can,” Nic says.

Everyone pauses, standing in silence, I’m not sure what we are waiting for, then I realize it’s me. We are waiting on me to take us home.

“Oh!” I say, trying to stand up off the couch.

Jeremy stops me with a hand on my shoulder. “You need rest, we can wait to transport back to the cabin. Take some of my blood for now.”

He nicks his thumb open before pressing the blood to my lips. I ingest some but I know it’ll only help so much after losing all that blood.

When I lay back against the couch, the guys take up position around the room, guarding us. It’s unlikely something will happen but Ryan could be coming back for us. I doubt it, since he probably thinks Anna already finished me off, but I can’t be sure. We need to stay prepared for him or the hunters.

After an hour of recovery I feel well enough to at least transport us all to the cabin.

“Okay, gather around. Jay can you hold Anna for the transport?” I ask.

He picks her up gently in his arms and comes to stand next to me. I focus on grabbing the guys and Bailey as I picture the outside of the cabin. The tugging sensation in my gut tells me we are moving before my feet land on the grassy lawn. When I open my eyes, I see the front of the cabin, like we left it hours ago.

I’m exhausted and practically collapse back into Nic’s arms. He wraps them around me and picks me up, carrying me into the cabin bridal style.

Nic takes me right back to the master bedroom we’ve all been using and starts stripping me, but must realize what a bloody mess I am.

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