Page 21 of Fated

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“Dad, wear the band on your ankle, so it’s not obvious.”

He follows my command and puts it on his left ankle while mom clips her earrings into place. Once they’re on, I wait for Nic to begin.

“Are you planning on actually trying to get the amulet for us?” He asks.

They both reply, “yes,” and Nic nods his approval.

“Are you planning on trying to escape while you’re free?” Jax asks.

They both respond, “no.” Nic nods again.

“Are you planning on hurting or trying to take Aly while you’re free?” Jeremy asks.

Again they answer no, thank god. Jeremy relaxes some at hearing that.

“Are you planning anything against us, harmful or otherwise?” Kiran asks and it’s a good, vague question.

“Only to win back our daughter’s trust,” my mom answers.

I turn to Nic immediately, needing to know if that’s true. When he smiles at me, I know it is and an intense balloon of relief fills me. They really do want to make amends.

“Okay, let’s do this then,” I say and my voice croaks a little from the overwhelming emotions.

Jay comes up behind and wraps me in his arms for comfort. Nic mutters an incantation and the doors to the cell open, releasing my parents.

They come out slowly, clearly afraid this is all some horrible trick. When they make it beyond the barrier, they finally relax.

“We need to clean up and look like hunters again, he’ll know something is wrong if we show up looking like this,” my mom points out.

I have to agree, their appearance is not strong and fierce, like normal. They need fighting clothes and weapons.

“Do you have somewhere, besides the house, we could go to get your things? I imagine anywhere the hunters knew about is being monitored,” I say.

They share a look again before my mom speaks up, “we have a safe house we can go to.”

“We will have to do that transport,” dad says.

Nic steps up right away. “Are you planning on taking us to your safe house just for supplies and clothes?”

After we get the response we need, we head outside, so they can transport us. It’s a little nerve-racking putting so much faith in them, but we have to trust in Nicoli and his magic.

I experience the sensation of moving before quickly feeling the ground under my feet again. In front of us is a plain house in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. There’s nothing that stands out about it and it looks like the neighbor’s homes around it.

My parents start to head to the door, and we quickly follow. They brought us in behind some trees, so luckily, no humans or otherwise saw us.

“It should only take twenty minutes to get ready, then we can head out,” mom says.

We all agree and let them go off on their own. If they decide to do something different, Nic will know. We settle in around the kitchen table and wait.

It’s very anticlimactic. We’ve been expecting a fight or betrayal, but so far things have gone well. Now the biggest obstacle is getting the amulet from Mr. Johnson. Hopefully he’s willing to let my parents borrow it as fellow hunters, they seem to think there’s a chance at least.

When my parents come back downstairs they’re the full-blown hunters they trained to be. They’re dressed in all black hunting leathers, weapons strapped on their backs and hair pulled back.

The guys tense around me, clearly recognizing this style from all their run-ins with hunters. I can feel their unease down the bond but this is a necessary evil.

“Ready?” My mom asks carefully, sensing the tension.

“Do you know where we are going?” I ask.
