Page 26 of Fated

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I’m sure she’s still hungry too, but she’s showing so much control by waiting. I know Jeremy doesn’t want her to begin her life as a vampire by gorging on blood, it could start her down a bad path.

“Aly, I… I hurt you? I almost killed you! How can you sit there looking at me?” She sounds distraught.

“Anna, you didn’t mean to. You weren’t in control of yourself. I could never be upset with you for that,” I try to reassure her but I can tell I’m only somewhat getting through.

“What do my parents think?” She whispers, changing the subject.

“I’ve been texting them from your phone that you’re sick. They’re worried but now that you’re up, you can call them,” I say.

“I have to go back to school,” she demands.

I sigh, knowing this was coming. Luckily, I’ve already been working on the guys to make this happen. I look to Nic to explain the terms.

“You’re doing great so far with any blood-lust so it is an option. You’ll have to wear a necklace that disguises you from others. I already checked and your lectures are big enough that they won’t know what you look like.”

Anna doesn’t seem completely pleased but I know it’s the best option we have, so I hope she comes around to it.

“You’re doing great but I want to know how you’re feeling inside. Do you have the urge to drink from any of us?” Jeremy asks.

Anna hesitates, even though I know it’ll be hard, she’ll tell the truth.

“Yes, but I’m in control. I am thirsty, when I can drink more but I’m not going to rip anyone’s neck open.” She flinches at her choice of words, tossing me a grimace.

“It’s not your fault Anna. Do you still feel the urge to hurt me at all? Or remember what Ryan said to you?” I ask.

I hate having to ask, I wouldn’t if it wasn’t so important. Ryan wants me dead and eventually he’s going to realize I’m not.

I can tell thinking about his attack and her subsequent death is hard. I mean, how could it not be? She died and now she needs to live with that memory.

“Well, before he killed me,” she doesn’t go into the details of how, “he told me I had to kill Aly. That he wants me to kill her as soon as I can. I remember what lack of choice felt like when I woke up but I don’t feel it anymore. I don’t want to hurt you at all.”

My shoulders slump, finally relaxing. This is good. Excellent. Anna is in control and doesn’t want to kill me. It’s the best I can hope for after everything that’s happened.

It gets quiet, no one knowing where to go from here.

“I guess we should pack and get ready to go back,” Jay suggests, looking around at each of us.

“I guess so,” Nic says, standing up. I can feel that he doesn’t like this plan, but he knows it’s important to me. He knows I want the best for Anna after everything I’ve put her through. She wants to go back to school so that’s what we will do. My guilt is too strong to do anything else.

I check on Anna, and she’s smiling at the idea of going back. It’s the first real smile I’ve seen on her face since she woke up and I know we are doing the right thing. I’m not letting her go back alone.

The guys get up to pack and leave me alone with Anna, sensing we need a minute.

“I’m so sorry!” We both blurt at the same time. We share a look of shock.

“Why are you sorry?” I ask.

She glares at me like I’m crazy. “Aly, I attacked you. If your guys hadn’t been there… I would have killed you. Of course I’m fucking sorry!”

She sounds miserable, the guilt in my gut increases.

“Oh Anna, that wasn’t you! None of this is your fault, it’s all mine and I will carry that burden, not you. I’m so sorry.”

“What are you talking about?” She demands.

“I’m talking about the fact that you didn’t even know supernaturals existed until I came into your life. You would never have had to deal with this if I didn’t exist. If I wasn’t your best friend… you would still be human,” I lay it all out there for her.

“That is so stupid!” She shocks me by saying.
