Page 25 of Fated

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We head right into the bedroom we’ve been keeping Anna in. The guys have reassured me that as a vampire, Anna doesn’t need to actually eat, so she’s been okay staying knocked out.

“Don’t forget she’ll be starving after not feeding for so long,” Kiran says.

It’s an important reminder.

“I should bleed into a cup before we wake her, so she can feed if she’s calm enough,” I suggest.

“Good idea,” Jay says and leaves the room. He comes back in a few seconds with a cup from the kitchen.

“Here,” Nic says materializing a knife and handing it to me. “We will need to wait until you’re healed. No need to tempt her further.”

I slice into my wrist and let the blood drain into the cup. Once it’s full I set it aside and wait for the cut to heal. It doesn’t take long.

I would like to think bleeding into a cup for my best friend to drink is the weirdest thing I’ll ever do but who know at this point. Since meeting the guys, everything’s been weird.

Nic walks up to Anna, holding the amulet and looks back. “Everyone ready?”

We all nod and watch in anticipation as he puts the amulet on Anna’s neck. He steps back and starts muttering a spell before waving a hand towards Anna.

He steps back further and slightly in front of me. “It’ll be any minute now she wakes up, she’ll come out of it slowly.”

It starts with a few body twitches or small noises but it’s clear when she gains complete consciousness.

She shoots up off the bed, looking around the room in confusion, reaches a hand up and touches her mouth, her hand coming away clean. I’m glad we cleaned her up or there would still be blood. She appears so confused.

“Anna, hi. It’s Aly, it’s okay.”

“I’m starving.” She gapes at me. “Aly? Did I… did I attack you?” She sounds horrified and a part of me settles. If she doesn’t like the idea of attacking me, that’s an amazing sign.

“Don’t worry about that. How are you feeling?”

The guys are all tense around me, ready for anything, but I can feel their hope down the bond. This is good, fantastic.

“I’m confused and so, so thirsty. I can hardly think I’m so parched, it’s like my stomach is empty,” she sounds miserable and so confused by the sensations running through her body.

I take a step forward but all my guys flinch, so I stop. “Anna, the thing is… Ryan, he changed you. I don’t know how to tell you this, so I’m just going to spit it out. You’re a vampire. So you’re hungry for blood. I’m so sorry.”

I watch as the pieces click together for her. She glances away. I know she isn’t coming to terms with what she is but trying to be strong. She gathers herself together then faces me again.

“I don’t know how to process that. All I know is, I’m famished.”

“The table,” I barely start before she’s racing to the table at top speeds.

She’s so fast I can’t see her. Anna only hesitates a second before she starts gulping the blood from the cup and actually moans while she does it. Glad I taste delicious, I guess.

“More. Can I have more?” She begs.

I’m about to say yes and rip my vein open again but Jeremy stops me.

“Try to wait Anna, it’s important. Can you think more clearly now?” Jeremy asks.

“Everything is a blur but it’s better.”

Guilt settles like a rock in my gut. This is all my fault. None of this would be happening to her if it wasn’t for me.

“Let’s go sit down in the living room, and we will explain everything,” I say.

And we do, we explain what happened to Anna, how much time has passed and what the amulet does. She takes it all in stride, being the strong best friend I know she is.
