Page 41 of Fated

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Anna speeds upstairs to get changed and I’m not sure she realizes she’s using her vampire powers.

The guys look at me hopefully and I laugh, they’re like puppies. “Yes, of course you can join. But comfortable clothes are a requirement.”

After the pizza comes and everyone changes, we all settle in to watch together. Anna and I get right back into it. We snuggle on the couch and make the boys get us drinks, it’s perfect.



We are all gathered around the table eating a pasta dish Jay made and I made for lunch. He taught me the recipe for the sauce and I feel like I’m really getting the hang of being his sous chef.

Someone’s phone rings, making me jump. I got used to the lack of phones when we were in hiding. We still use burner phones but Nic’s tends to ring a lot more now.

He pulls the phone out of his pocket and accepts the call before putting it on speaker.

“Hi mom,” Nic says.

Her cheerful voice responds, “hello dear! I have good news but news that makes me nervous.”

What does that mean? Nic rolls his eyes, so he must be used to this.

“What is it mom?”

“Well, we got you an audience with the elder council. It’s next week. I’m nervous about this Nicoli but I know you’re doing the right thing,” she says.

“Thank you so much mom! We will be safe, I promise!” Nic says before hanging up.

“We are going to see the council?” I ask.

He grabs my hand and nods.

“We need to prepare,” Jax says.

“What are we going to say!?” Kiran asks, worried.

Now that it’s not an abstract idea, I think we are all more nervous about it. This is huge and the fate of supernaturals everywhere rests on this one meeting. No pressure.

“Calm down. We already have an idea of what we are going to do, we just need to iron out the details now,” Nic says, taking control of the situation.

Bailey rubs himself against each of our legs, trying to comfort us. He hops up with his paws on Kiran’s chair and licks his hand until he gets pet. I’m impressed Bailey can tell who needs the most comfort. What Jax found in the book was right, Bailey does have a bond with the guys too.

He’s right, we have a plan, we just need to refine it. We’ve got this.

The guys give me a brief synopsis of each elder on the council while we finish eating. There is one from each species, some men and some women. They are extremely powerful and hold their positions because of it.

Kiran warns me that the dark fae elder is an elitist who will never side with us. Ajax isn’t sure where the light fae elder will fall, she’s a wild card. Jay feels confident his elder will come through for us, more than any of the rest.

Nicoli thinks the mage elder runs on logic and will only side with us if he’s thoroughly convinced. Jeremy didn’t have any insight on the demon elder since he’s newer.

It’s all good information but not super reassuring. I would have loved to hear them say they will all believe us and be on our side instantly but I know that isn’t possible. If that was the case, the guys wouldn’t be so nervous about the meeting.

It’s crazy to me the five other races can work together enough to share a council but the hunters hate the rest so much. It doesn’t make sense to me a whole species would be created to hurt the others.

“Aly there’s something else I wanted to mention,” Nic says, pulling me out of my thoughts, “it’s not about the meeting.”

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Well, I wanted to talk about the fact that Anna snuck out again last night.”
