Page 48 of Fated

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I’m about to rip him apart when he snaps his fingers and I’m in a room with Aly and Nic.

I charge forward to see Aly is waking up. She groans in pain and I want to kill someone again.

Nic rests his hands on her and I’m sure he’s healing her. I feel some relief down the bond as he works.

The other three appear in the room together and race toward the rest of us.

“What happened?” Jeremy demands, staring down at Aly’s half conscious form.

“They did a memory dive on her but the spell blocking her memories meant they had to dig deeper. That’s why it was so much more painful than what they did to us.”

Nic looks up at me. “Although you don’t look much better. Did you fight it? That makes it significantly more painful.”

I look down to see my hands are shaking and I feel sweaty. If I had to guess my face is pale too.

I look over at Jer and the twins, but they look fine, just worried.

“You guys didn’t fight it?” I ask.

How did they know it would make it worse? I was fighting to get back to my mate.

“They never came for me. One second I was in a room alone worried about Aly, the next I was here,” Jax explains.

Kiran and Jer agree. I guess when he said they got what they wanted from me, he meant they were done.

Aly is finally sitting up and looking better from Nic’s healing. Jer nicks his thumb and presses it against her lips.

When she goes to object he cuts her off, “do it. We are all worried about you. Help us feel better.”

She complies and more color comes back to her cheeks. She finally looks like herself again.

Nic turns and heals me next, just enough that I don’t look like a wreck anymore.

“So, what was the test?” Kiran asks.

“It was about when we met Aly,” I say, not sure what was so significant about it.

“They told me that when you meet your fated mate, your eyes change. They were looking for the memory of that happening. Of course, Aly is the one who saw that most so her dive was more intense,” Nic explains looking furious at what happened.

“If you’re ready, the council will see you now,” a voice says, coming from all around us.

There is no one to follow, so I’m not sure how we are supposed to get back to the chamber.

Aly stands up and Nic immediately wraps his arms around her. When she shows she can stand on her own again, he looks us all over before replying.

“We are ready.”

We’re transported out of the room and in front of the council again.



We land in front of the elders and I’m standing on shaky legs. Nic is trying to hold me up but I don’t want to look weak right now, so I brush him off. Nic healed me, I’m just shaken from everything that happened.

“The council has decided to believe you,” the mage elder says.

My knees almost give out in relief. They believe us? They believe us! This is incredible. That makes what I just went through worth it.

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