Page 5 of Fated

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“You’re right mom, it’s incredibly sad, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is son. You know, this could be the solution to your problem. If all the communities hear the truth, they’ll start mixing to find their mates. Everyone dreams of finding their fated mate, even if it’s another species. The hunters wouldn’t be coming after you, confident you’re lying and the other communities would back you up. You would need to find a way to make everyone believe you.”

“Ya, a lot easier said than done. Another problem is I’m sure there will still be elitists who won’t want to dilute species lines, even though they originally came from mixed pairings.”

“Yes but I would imagine they would be out numbered. I will think about how you could share this and what would make it undeniable.”

We got off course in this conversation but I still think it was a worthy distraction. We still need to find a way to protect ourselves and this feels like the right path. But there’s something else that I need help with first.

“Thanks mom, but there’s actually something I need your help with first. I didn’t finish the story of tonight yet. Ryan turned Aly’s best friend Anna into a vampire.”

My mom gasps on the other end of the phone.

“She’s sired to him, and he must have given her a command to kill Aly before he left because she’s singularly focused on attacking my mate. He wanted Aly dead but didn’t have the guts to stick around and do it himself. I need to find a way to counteract the sire bond.”

“Oh that poor girl. How is Aly taking it? She must feel horrible. You better be there for her. Where is Anna now?” My mom asks, switching thoughts on a dime.

“Anna is knocked out in a bedroom, I’ve got her under a sleeping spell while we find a solution. Aly was almost drained of blood tonight, so she’s sleeping, I’m not sure how she’s going to feel when she wakes up but I can imagine guilty. I’ll obviously be there for her mom, you don’t need to tell me.”

“Of course I don’t, but I’m your mom, so I will anyway. I think I may have heard of something that can counteract a sire bond but the information is fuzzy, your fathers and I will look into it,” she says and a weight is lifted off my shoulders knowing they will help.

“Thank you so much. Could you also talk to the guy’s parents and have them search as well? The more assistance the better.” My voice sounds exhausted once again. I can’t imagine having to call them for help.

“Of course, you sound tired Nicoli, go get some sleep. We have your back and will aid you however we can. I love you.” She uses her most motherly tone.

“Love you too mom, goodnight.”

Hanging up the phone, I take a deep breath. One step at a time, and we will get though this.

I head back into the bedroom and see the guys left my spot next to Aly open for me. Good, because I would have absolutely moved one of them. Sliding in next to my mate, I wrap my arms around her, breathing in her unique scent of lemon and honey while I fall asleep.



I’m completely closed in on both sides and I would panic if I didn’t sense two of my bonds vibrating. My mates are surrounding me.

As I slowly wake up I realize there are lips pressed against my neck. They are peppering kisses under my chin and nuzzling the skin there.

It takes me another minute to realize he’s kissing the spot Anna attacked me.


He doesn’t pause in his goal, devouring my neck with hip lips, tongue and teeth. Jay presses his body more tightly against mine and I can feel every hard inch of him.

I reach back and grab his hair, giving the strands a little tug. It breaks him out of whatever trance he was in.

“You almost died,” his voice is horse.

He’s tracing small circles on my neck, never losing focus from that area. Thank god Anna bit the other side of my neck, not my mark from Jay. I would be devastated if it got distorted.

“I didn’t.”

He bites my neck. “Yes you did. I watched it happen and I’ve never felt more useless in my life. Actually, not true, every time something crazy happens to you I feel that way.”

“It’s true,” Kiran breaks in from my other side, sandwiching me between them.

“You guys got her off and Nic healed me. How can you feel useless when you saved me?” I point out.
