Page 53 of Fated

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I turn around, ready to blow my ex, Jason off, and see he’s with Marc too. This is not going to go well.

“It’s been forever!” Jason says.

The guys are surrounding me now and subtly trying to push me along, mostly because we don’t need anyone to know I’m here. We are in hiding.

“Ya, long time. Well, see ya later.” I turn to leave, but he doesn’t accept that.

“We were so good together Al and I hear you’ve been hanging out with a group of guys.”

Marc interrupts Jason, “these aren’t even them. How many guys are you hanging out with?”

I want to punch him in the nose. Should I? I could, I really could. I imagine the guys are itching to hurt him, but they’re showing restraint, so I should too.

“I’m taken, I’ve got to go.” Once again, I turn around to leave.

He grabs my arm, whipping me around, and he leans in to kiss me. I freeze in shock. This is the absolute last thing I ever expected him to do. His lips barely press against mine before he’s being ripped away.

Jeremy has Jason pressed up against a wall with his arm across his neck. He’s choking him out in broad daylight, we do not need this kind of attention.

“She didn’t ask for that, and she definitely didn’t want it. Don’t go around forcing your wants on girls!” Jeremy demands, his voice hard, like ice.

Jay has Marc pinned down on the cement as he holds a hand on his throat. I’m sure his wolf is pushing hard to get out right now.

Shadows are cropping up all around us and blocking out the sun. It’s completely unnatural and I know it’s thanks to Kiran’s rage.

I turn to Nic immediately, hoping he still has his wits. “Do something!”

“Like kill him?” He growls as he stares Jason down with fury in his eyes. He’s probably planning his death as we speak.

“No. Nic we need to get out of here. This isn’t good. We are in danger like this, I don’t have my charm on!” My words are frantic. I need him to listen to what I’m saying.

Jay is growling and Jason is turning blue. People are gathering around us and staring. Jason and Marc are both on the basketball team which makes them recognizable.

We need to go. Now. I’m leaving,I shout down the bond. Hopefully the idea of me being alone, away from them will pull them out of their anger enough to walk away.

I grab Anna’s hand and drag her away, towards her next class. I know they’re following me but I imagine both guys got a quick beating before they left.

As soon as we get far enough away Anna opens her hand and shows me my necklace. “I found it right before Jason tried to kiss you. What a fucking creep!”

I quickly grab it from her and put it back on. “Thank you so much for finding it!”

Kiran comes around the corner of the building, grabs me and kisses me like he’s trying to erase Jason’s lips from mine. He devours my mouth, grabbing the back of my head and pressing himself against me.

“Gross!” Anna says, breaking in. It’s probably a good thing, that was going to escalate fast.

The other three come around the corner and surround me, passion and aggression coming off in waves. Jay nuzzles into my neck, marking me with his scent.

“Try to keep it together, I still have class.” Anna rolls her eyes at them.

I can’t wait until she has guys of her own to deal with.

I look around at each of them. There is no calming them down. At least kissing me seemed to help Kiran. Maybe I should kiss them all.

“Some asshole just kissed our mate in front of us. There is no calming down,” Jay growls as he says it.

I remember how I reacted when Kate hit on the guys and that was before we were even mated. I understand how they’re feeling.

“We aren’t going to class. Let’s go home,” Jeremy demands.
