Page 57 of Fated

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We just kind of stand there in their living room awkwardly. We are still trying to figure out our relationship now.

“So, what are you here for?” My dad asks.

My mom elbows him and his expression is sheepish. I can’t help laughing. We are all walking on egg shells here.

“Relax. We just came to get your advice. You have time to talk?” I ask.

My mom gestures to the couch before sitting on one of the arm chairs. I sit with Nic and Jeremy next to me, the other guys spreading around the room.

“What can I help with?” Mom seems grateful for the chance to be helpful. I can tell she’s trying and another piece of my chipped heart heals.

I tell her all about the meeting with the supernatural elders and our plan to go convince the hunters of our truth. She looks more and more nervous the longer I talk.

“I don’t know about that honey. To be honest, we only believe you because you’re our daughter… and that wasn’t even enough at first. It’s not how we were raised. The idea that hunters have mates, and they’re other supernaturals is crazy.”

Without me having to ask, Jax leans forward and hands my mom the book.

She opens it and peers inside, shuffles through the pages but I can tell she’s not sure where to start.

Ajax hops up from his spot on the floor and stands behind my mom. He opens the book to different pages while explaining how this used to be normal. How someone destroyed this information. I actually think my parents are more convinced. This book is our main weapon in proving ourselves.

We get to the part about hunters not feeling the tug of a mating bond until their gene is triggered and my mom almost drops the book.

She looks up at me in shock, mouth open, eyes wide shock.

“What is it?” I ask, wondering what caught her attention so much.

She’s trying to gather herself so my dad answers for her. “The hunter gene is not triggered until after you’re mated. It’s the way of our people. Yours was a mistake Aly.”

I’m not completely sure what that means, but Nic knows. “You close the bond.”

Everyone in the room seems to understand the revelation, except me.

“What’s going on?” I ask, frustrated to be left out.

Jax turns to me and explains, “when you meet your mates and mate them, there’s a chance you haven’t met them all yet. Not all fated mates are friends like us. Even if it’s a chosen mate, you could still add more to your bond, until, you close it. You close your bond so no one else can be added. With fated mates, it happens automatically. It’s what happened with your marks after mating me.”

Of course a blush forms at that and Kiran laughs at his twin.

“But I’m guessing in the hunter mating ceremony, they close the bond so no other mates can be found,” Nic adds.

My parents are lost in thought but slowly they come out of it and nod.

“We would never have realized without this information. It’s not spelled out to us like that,” my mom explains.

They share a moment before turning back to me.

“We believe you. It makes sense and this is the information you’ll need to tell other hunters to make them believe you too. It’s too coincidental not to be planned.”

Oh shit! They believe us, and they actually think other hunters will too?! This is amazing! Everything is coming together for us!

I can feel joy down our bonds. All of us want to be free from this threat.

“Thank you so much!” I say and I even start to move towards them for a hug.

It’s instinct, I’ve spent so much time with my guys and Anna that I’ve gotten comfortable with casual hugs, but it’s not something my parents and I ever did.

I stop awkwardly and put my arms back down. My mom is staring at me, like she’s trying to decide what to do.
