Page 60 of Fated

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I’m by the net with Jeremy defending me. He’s basically standing in front of me, blocking me as an option.

Jax passes to Kiran who sends it back to Jax with a nod. He avoids his defenders, keeping the ball to himself.

I’m startled when Kiran comes behind me, picking me up. Jax tosses me the ball and I slam it through the net, dunking on Jeremy.

I give a whoop and slide down Kiran’s body, giving him a winning kiss. Jax comes up on my other side and I give him one as well.

I turn to face the other guys who are fighting their own smiles. I don’t think they mind losing this way, even when they got competitive with the guys.

“Good game!” I say, showing them my best winning smile.

Jay lifts me up on his shoulder, like I’m MVP. “Next time, I call Aly.”

“We have a lot of next times in our future to switch up the teams,” I say sweetly as he sets me down.

I plan to have a lot of fun with my guys in our future.

Jeremy leans forward with a wink to whisper in my ear, “you’ll pay for that later.”

Nic steps forward and kisses my cheek when a letter appears in front of him. It drifts down into his hand, like magic.

He unfolds it and shows me as he reads it. It’s a message from the elders.

“It’s time, we have an hour to get ready.” Nic squeezes me tight.

We all share looks of sorrow, not ready to face the real world. It was fun to enjoy ourselves for a little.

I squeeze hands or give hugs then we all gather ourselves and our strength and head inside to get ready. It’s time to face the hunters.

Twenty Three


We’ve been summoned by our elders, it’s time to face the hunters. We were able to get a message to them about the conversation we had with Aly’s parents. If they say it’s the key information to turn the tide in our favor, then we need to listen. I can tell the elders were reluctant to accept help from hunters but it’s the best chance we have.

We have been spending all the time together that we can, nervous for how today is going to go. Basketball earlier was the most fun we’ve had while we wait.

We’re gathered outside the facility. There are mages surrounding it, prepared to cast their spells. Behind them are fighters from all the races except for dark fae. They are mysteriously absent. I can’t say I’m surprised based on the way Joka reacted.

I’m nervous as hell. I never imagined I would walk willingly into a hunter facility and here I am doing it for the second time. All to keep my mate safe.

I would do anything in this world to keep Aly safe. Hopefully by the time we leave here, we are all safer.

Our parents came again and while I would rather not see them at risk, I know they’re doing it out of love. I respect that. It’s clear how much they care about us and Aly by extension.

I know the mages are communicating in some way as we make our way to the entrance. They all start chanting a spell to freeze the hunters inside. I know it’s not ideal to start a friendly conversation with what could be seen as an attack, but we didn’t think they would listen to us on their own. They’re more likely to fight first, ask questions later. We need them to hear us out if we want this to work. And we really want this to work.

The mages can only hold their spell for so long and once it’s done, we will be like sitting ducks here. We have the means to fight but it’s not what anyone wants.

The mage elder, Monit, gives the signal, and we all go inside.

Every single hunter is frozen in place, staring daggers at us as we make our way inside. We need to make this quick.

Eve, the shifter elder takes over. “We come in peace, please hear us out. Our races have been served a great injustice as we have all been lied to. It has come to our attention that our species are meant to inter-mate as the fates have planned it.”

I’m prepared for shocked gasps or cries of outrage but I forgot they’re all frozen and unable to react.

“Hunters have fated mates, and they are within the other supernatural communities. We have been convinced of this truth and come to you with the knowledge in hopes that we can find peace moving forward as a unit. A fated mate is something to be loved and cherished,” Eve continues, “this four thousand year old book proves that once upon a time, this was the norm. This copy was protected from a mass spell that took the information from us.”
