Page 64 of Fated

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There’s no chance I’m leaving Jay’s side so Jeremy stands up and keeps watch over us. I know we are both feeling exposed here on the ground but Jeremy won’t let anything happen.

The guys come back with Nic’s dad, Jonah, in tow. He looks tired but not as exhausted as us, so hopefully he can transport us home.

“Let’s get you out of here,” Jonah steps forward and I feel the signs of being transported.

I have to close my eyes to avoid feeling sick, I’m weak without my magic. I’ll need to spend days surrounded by my mates to recover.

When I feel grass under me, I open my eyes to see our house on campus.

“I’m going right back. I will see you all soon.” He disappears, leaving us behind.

Nic comes and lifts me up. My protest dies on my lips when he glares at me for trying. Even if he’s exhausted, he still wants to take care of me.

Kiran and Jax help Jay and we all head inside.

Bailey jumps on us the minute we get in the door. Licking and sniffing us all.

Anna collapses onto the couch in relief. “You’re back and you’re okay! You are all okay right? I was so worried because Bailey was going crazy. He did listen to you, though, and stayed to protect me.”

I try to reach for Bailey to give him thanks but Nic doesn’t budge. Jeremy helps me by giving him some scratches behind his ears.

“We are okay, we have a lot to tell you but for now we need showers, sleep and time to recover. Glad you’re safe Anna.” Nic heads right to the stairs, and we do just that.

Twenty Five


One month later

People are finding their mates and it feels like a miracle in our world. The mages who were forced to keep the spell in place reversed it once they were healed. They’re being taken care of by the supernatural community, but I imagine they are going to need years to heal the damage and mental strain they were forced into.

Since the spell has been reversed, more than just hunter pairings are finding their mates. It seems like it had an unintended side effect of blocking more than just hunter matings. Since hunters have been finding their mates right and left, they fully believe in us now. They revolted against the elders who were still alive, imprisoning them. The idea that some of them had mates who were killed or that they may have even killed them themselves, didn’t sit well. Imagine that.

It’s a beautiful thing seeing all the fated mates who are finding each other, but it’s not all perfect. Some people are still holding onto race superiority and the idea that they shouldn’t mix, but who cares what they think.

Best of all, we aren’t in danger from the hunters anymore and the guys’ fear about what their own communities would say is gone. Of course, Ryan is still hanging over our heads but the elder council has promised to deal with him swiftly. Anna has been able to control the sire bond with her amulet, so for now, we are taking it as a win. I’m hoping his vendetta is gone now that the elders have been taken care of, they are technically responsible for his loss after all.

My parents are still staying under the radar, but we are planning a visit next month, so I have high hopes for our relationship going forward. Better than that, the guys are all coming around to them and overcoming the hate in their hearts for the trauma we went through. It’s all been very healing.

I’m still worried about Anna and how she’s doing. She’s putting on a brave face and seems under control but I can’t help worrying about how often she’s gone. I think she is coming to terms with being a vampire and what that means, I just hope she knows she can always come to me for anything.

Anna should be able to finish out the year strong and graduate in the spring. The guys and I have enrolled for next year to make up for all the time we missed. I’m excited to have a normal year with them, where we can enjoy college and our relationship. I can go back to worrying about small things like ex boyfriends and mean girls instead of my mates or I dying. It should feel like a breeze.

Right now, I’m sitting in our living room staring at my best friend and trying to make her see reason.

“Anna, stay here with us. You just need to finish the semester and you’re done. It’s almost over!” I say.

Anna looks at me like I’m dense, I don’t appreciate it. “Aly, I love you but I want my own space. I feel like I’m intruding on you and your mates!”

It’s stupid, she’s not. I know there is more to it but I’ve already tried to convince her. She wants to be on her own and who am I to stop her.

“You’ll still come over all the time, right? This will be our first time living apart since freshman year.” My voice comes out sad even though I’m trying to be strong.

“Of course! We will watch Big House together every week and it’ll be great. And you can enjoy being with your mates as you start your happily ever after!”

I lean forward and hug her, it feels like goodbye, but she’s only moving across campus.

“You’re my best friend,” I whisper.

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