Page 9 of Fated

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Jeremy frowns, clearly thinking about what I asked. “She will need to learn to control herself but just for sustenance, no.”

“Great, then we will give her my blood in a cup for now and figure out the rest later. Deal?”

After a minute of deliberation, I get several nods back. Their mouths are turned down and eyes narrowed, I know they don’t like it, but I think they realize this is the best option we have.

“Fine, but we evaluate as we go. If there are any problems, we stop,” Nic commands and I agree with a nod of my head.

They’re being reasonable and I appreciate that.

“What can we do to help find a solution for Anna?” I ask.

No one immediately answers and I’m guessing it’s because it wasn’t an easy question.

“I know you won’t like this,” Nic starts, “but I think we should let our parents find the answer. It’s too dangerous for us to be out in the world looking. Ryan or hunters could be after us.”

“But,” I start but I’m interrupted.

“Nic’s right, going out there is not safe. Our parents will be able to be discreet,” Jay says.

“They’ll find the answer, I’m sure of it,” Jax adds.

“We could use the illusion charms again,” Kiran points out and I want to kiss him.

“Yes! Let’s do that,” I say.

Nic glowers at Kiran but quickly returns his focus back to me. “Fine, but it takes time to make them. The old ones ran out. I’ll start working today.”

“Thank you,” I lean up and whisper before indulging in a long, slow kiss.

When I pull away his smile warms my heart. I know he’s doing this to make me happy and I appreciate it.

“Can you make one for Anna too, just in case?” I ask.

Nic nods. “Yes, that’s smart. Good thinking Princess.”

Kiran grabs me hand and tugs me out of Jax’s lap to him. “We have a lot ahead of us and I think you should work on your magic while Nic builds the illusions charms. You’ve mastered the teleportation but haven’t had progress on the mind manipulation.”

I’m tired but I know this is important. I nod, and we head into the middle of the living room to train, Jax trailing behind us.

We’ve already tried this a million times. Jax and Kiran are trying their best to help me but my powers are different from their magic.

Bailey joins us, scratching at my leg until I kneel down and pet him.

“Maybe I can’t manipulate minds,” I say, “not every hunter has the same magic. Just because my mom can, doesn’t mean I’ll be able to.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t, but until we have another lead for you to work on, we keep trying,” Jax says.

“Should I ask my mom about the power?” I suggest.

I’ve been wanting to talk to them again and this could be a good reason to.

Of course, Jer hears me and jumps in right away. “We have a lot going on right now, let’s wait on talking to your parents.”

I sigh but accept his reasoning. We do have a ton going on and Anna is my main priority, not my powers.

Bailey nudges my hand when I stop petting him, reminding me of another mystery on our hands.

“What do we know about Bailey and having a familiar?” I ask.
