Page 10 of Fated

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They all share a glance but it’s Jax who speaks up. “Not much when it comes to hunter’s familiars. We will need to find a way to get information about it. Clearly, he can transport too and fight. You have a mental bond, I’m guessing he can sense your emotions and even your wishes for him. We know he’s an Athermy but I don’t actually know much about them except that they bond with hunters. I’ll need to study it more.”

I nod. It’s weird to think of Bailey as anything but a dog, although now that I’m not trapped in the mindset of a human, he really doesn’t look like one. He’s more wolf than dog, I’m surprised anyone was willing to pet him. At least he’s the biggest sweetheart down to his core.



We’ve been training and checking on Anna constantly for days while Nic builds the charms. I haven’t made progress on my magic but I’ve been distracted. It feels like we aren’t doing anything useful, I’m letting my best friend down as she lays sleeping in a guest room and I hate it.

Nic says it should only be a few more days until the charms are complete. It’s taking him longer since he’s making them stronger and an extra one. He’s hoping these will last longer or maybe be reusable. I don’t understand all his magic talk, so I’ll have to take his word for it.

We’ve been checking in with their parents every day but so far there’s been nothing concrete. Jeremy’s mom seems to think they’re really close to something, though, so I have hope.

Anna remains sedated in the other room and my guilt grows every day. The guys keep trying to distract me but their attempts only work for so long before I’m thinking about Anna again.

Nic disappeared earlier and I’m not sure where he went. There’s a clinking noise, like metal on metal coming from the side of the house. I walk outside and listen for the noise, trying to pin down exactly where it’s coming from. The building next to us. When I walk over and into a garage, Nic is looking at a car. I don’t know much about cars but this one seems pretty old.

I haven’t been in here yet, the place appears unused. It’s covered in cobwebs and everything looks like it’s thirty years old. Nic glances up immediately when I enter.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

He’s got the hood open as he fiddles with something inside. I didn’t know he knew anything about cars.

“I’m taking a break while my magic recovers. This was the twin’s parent’s car when they were in hiding here. As fae, they had no way to transport around unless my dad came over to help.”

I walk around to stand next to him. “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you’re looking under the hood. I can transport us, so we don’t need a car.”

I’m a little offended but maybe he wants something to do. It can get boring waiting around the house to hear news, even though we’ve been entertaining ourselves in a sexual manner.

“We are relying on you too much. I want to make sure we have a working backup plan.”

A backup plan? He doesn’t trust me?

I know he can feel my hurt down the bond when he immediately turns to look me in the eyes. “Not like that. When Anna bit you and you got drained, you couldn’t use your powers to transport us. Being vulnerable made me realize we need a backup plan just in case. Or what if we had to split up? You can’t be in two places at once.”

He has a good point. A great one in fact, but I still don’t like it.

“You’re right,” I grudgingly admit.

He leans in and gives me a kiss without touching me with his greasy hands. I wouldn’t mind getting dirty with him.

“So, does it work?” I ask.

“Honestly, I don’t know much but it wasn’t starting. I was able to fiddle with it some so let’s find out.” Even when Nic is admitting to not knowing something, he still sounds confident.

He wipes his hands off on a rag before opening the garage door and sliding into the drivers seat, I join him in the passenger.

He slides the key in and after it splutters for a second, the car turns on.

“You did it!” I say, excited for him.

He’s got a small, proud smile on his face. “Ya, I guess I did.”

He regards me for a second before saying, “fuck it. Do you want to go for a ride? I need to make sure there are no problems, and we should be safe enough.”

My answering smile is huge. The rest of the guys are going to be so jealous we went on an adventure and got out of here. They are as bored as us.

“I would love to!”
