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“So, that’s how he’s connected to the Ashfords. Nicoli Ashford’s mate is the hunter who helped expose everything. If Ryan’s motive is related, he must be going after them,” Griffyn says.

I think he’s right.

“If the director hadn’t mentioned them being interested in the case, we wouldn’t even know that,” Felix points out.

“He gave us a hint,” Aksel says.

“No wonder the last team didn’t make progress. There’s almost nothing to go on,” I add.

The director probably told us to help our progress.

“Why would that much be redacted?” Griffyn muses.

Silence stretches as we work to piece this together.

“It makes me think someone doesn’t want it solved.” Aksel knows the most about the politics behind the scenes, so I believe him.

I’m more muscle than brain for this team.

The drive back to our current home is spent in contemplation. We need to evaluate all our information and determine how to gather more. A new case takes time and patience before you have a solid lead.

We were close to cracking our last case. We were going to bust the perpetrator Friday, so we practically spoonfed a win to the new team it was passed over to. Still, it’s an honor they think we can handle a case another team couldn’t. One that’s clearly important. But that’s why we are the Alpha Team.

* * *

“I’ve decided our course of action,” Aksel declares.

We are all gathered in the living room. The case has been on everyone’s mind for days.

“And that is?” Griffyn drawls. He’s sprawled across his armchair, completely lax and shirtless with his tattoos on display. He has this effortless sexuality.

We aren’t friends, but we are definitely close. As a team, we spend almost all our time together. If it weren’t for the fact we were paired together for work, we wouldn’t be associated.

“We will contact Nicoli for more information or any leads. We need the full story, and he can at least provide details,” Aksel answers.

I nod, trusting his assessment of the situation. He’s always been a good leader, so it’s not hard for us to follow his judgment.

“Do you think we could get in trouble for contacting him?” Felix asks. There’s a clear lead to follow, but it could backfire on us if Ryan’s victims are the ones who requested the information be redacted.

It’s a concern I also pose, but I wait for Aksel to answer.

“It’s worth the risk. We aren’t doing anything wrong by drawing conclusions. Worst case scenario, we lose the case.” His teeth grit at the end. None of us want the shame of that, but he’s right. It’s not that big of a risk.

“When are we doing this?” Griffyn asks.

I imagine he wants to feed before we go so he’s at full strength. As an incubus, his powers rely on sexual energy.

“Tomorrow. Plan and pack tonight.”

Aksel exits the room, and I quickly follow. I wouldn’t mind some alone time before we head out.



My shift at the bar today was slow. Barely anyone came by, and I only made twenty dollars in tips.

I show up at Aly’s house to get Bailey. I do this every week, needing something to do away from work. I think it’s more for me than Bailey at this point, but Aly still entertains it, which I’m grateful for.
