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I was relieved that I could now prove I was not a murderer. With everything we discovered, it was time to go to the cops. Peter made a call and secured an interview with Detectives Parker and Brown. I knew they would be skeptical of the evidence. We were still missing one thing. How did my cufflink get to the crash site? I was sure that I was wearing a polo shirt, there was no way I could have been wearing them that night. That was something the police would have to figure out. I did most of the heavy lifting, so it was their turn to figure out the rest.

“Good morning, detectives.” Peter pulled documents out of his briefcase. Both detectives sat down and were curious why we called the meeting.

“Good morning,” Parker said. “Your client here to confess?”

Detective Parker was definitely a jerk, his white shirt was dingy and had stains from whatever he had for breakfast. “On the contrary, we are here to hand you the perpetrator behind this entire series of events. We are not sure what part he played if any in Mrs. Brooks’ car accident, but we have some evidence that has recently surfaced that proves a lot is not as it seems in this case.”

The detectives were skeptical but intrigued. The last thing they needed was to get blindsided in court if the case went to trial. The least they could do was to listen and then determine what indeed was actionable.

Peter started to lay out the evidence Steve found. He was careful not to include anything that would implicate me in any way. The detectives took turns reading the cases and looking at photos. Halfway through the brief, Detective Brown stepped out. I was sure he wanted to start calling around to get more information on the open cases involving Brandon.

Peter kept talking and Detective Parker was now taking notes, which comforted me. I knew they were now realizing I was not their man. When Peter pulled out the picture of Victoria in a wedding dress with the old man in a wheelchair, Parker’s jaw dropped. He did ask why he should believe I didn’t find this information out before Victoria died but Peter pointed out the obvious. Why would we disclose this if we didn’t have hard evidence to prove that was not the case?

We sat in the dingy interrogation room for another hour while they did their own fact-checking. Detective Parker was the first to return. “Mr. Brooks, do you know where Brandon White is?”

I paused before answering, “If he isn’t spooked and already on the run, he should be at the ranch. I wouldn’t go in with lights and sirens. I know he’s been feeding you information. I am sure if you just pop in he will believe you are coming by for more dirt to bury me.” Detective Parker did not find my response to be in good taste. He gave me a hard stare and walked away. About thirty minutes later, Detective Brown returned to the interrogation room and told us we were free to go.

I wish I was at the ranch when they ambushed Brandon. I wanted him to suffer for everything he put me through and I wanted him to suffer for dragging Sam into the middle of this mess. I suggested to Peter that we hang around to see if they brought him in.

Sure enough, one hour later he was being hauled through the precinct parking lot in handcuffs. I was curious how much reach Peter had. “Do you think you can get me in to talk with him before Parker gets to him?” Peter looked at me and I saw a twinkle in his eyes. “Does it rain in Portland?” He opened the car door and headed into the precinct. He came back fifteen minutes later and drove us to the back of the precinct. An old white officer came to the door and waved at us to come in.

“You have five minutes,” the cop said gruffly. He led us down a narrow hallway and into a small room. Brandon was handcuffed and seated on a steel bench. When he saw me, his eyes grew wide.

“Hi, Fred, how are you doing today?”

Brandon was shocked that I knew his real name and cowered in fear. He probably thought I was going to hit him. I was not interested in violence; I just wanted the truth about Victoria. “Relax, Brandon. I’m just here to talk. If you cooperate, I can get you an attorney. With the charges against you, I am sure they have seized any money you have left from your previous scams. You also won’t be able to claim the life insurance policy Victoria left since they have you under investigation in connection with her murder.”

He contemplated my proposition for a minute and then responded. “What do you want to know?”

“How did my cufflink get to the scene of the accident that night?”

He smiled. “I stole those months ago. You rich fuckers have so much shit you never realize when things go missing. I have been skimming from your closet for years.”

I thought about punching him in the face. “What happened the night Victoria died? How did her car crash? I know you were with her.”

He dropped his head before answering. “That bitch tried to double-cross me. Do you think it was an accident that you found the paternity test?”

Peter looked at me and I could see his eyes widen in shock.

“I left that for you to find. That was my insurance policy. She fucked up and got pregnant by some dirt bag while she was married to you. I kept her in line for years with that piece of paper.

“The plan was for her to marry you and then we would do our usual kidnap ransom scam. She fucked up and got pregnant and everything changed. She wanted to stay and suck you dry. The night of the accident we were supposed to leave but she wanted to get Natasha. I figured she was lying so I planted the paternity test for you to find. When you called, she was unglued. Crying and screaming. I tried to stop her but she was determined to kill us both. She sped up and ran the car right off the road and into a tree. I am still not sure how I survived.”

I was in shock. “You were blackmailing her?”

“No. I had an insurance policy so she wouldn’t rip you off and cut me out of the take. Victoria was the involved in every single scam from the start. We grew up together in Jersey. When her parents died, I was there to help her pick up the pieces. She was my drug supplier when I was in college and she helped me start an identity theft ring after I got expelled. She was as ruthless as they come. I was surprised she didn’t kill you and cash in years ago.”

How could I have been so naive? I was married to a ruthless criminal. I could see my mother rolling over in her grave. She’d never liked Victoria.

“Why didn’t you get rid of the music box? Why leave it in the art room?”

“That was my intention but after dumping your body that night in the art room I had to clean your car so you wouldn’t suspect anything. When I got back the damn thing was gone. It resurfaced when Samantha asked Natasha to find items for the renovation. Natasha must have moved the music box while I was outside.”

“Who is Natasha’s biological father?” I asked.

“Victoria never told me; I asked a few times but she kept that information close to the vest. I was smart enough to know not to push her. She was a dangerous woman.”

“Who is Brandon White? Did you kill him?”
