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“I am a lot of things but I am not a killer, Brandon White is a high school buddy of mine. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to turn states evidence against a drug dealer he witnessed kill another dealer. He left his identity behind and I held that on ice for years in case I needed to pass a background check.”

The door swung open and the officer that let us in walked back into the holding area. “Okay, times up. They’re ready to process him now.” Peter handed him two $100 bills and we walked out the same way we came in.

We rode in Peter’s BMW in silence for about five minutes before Peter asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about Natasha?”

“I wanted to keep that information to myself. When I found out, I wasn’t sure at the time if I was involved in Victoria’s accident. I couldn’t risk the cops getting that information. That would have been their smoking gun for sure. More importantly, I didn’t know how to tell you that my wife had cheated on me and Natasha was the proof. I hate Victoria for what she did.”

Peter looked over and saw my pain. “I get it. I don’t know how I would react to something like that. You’re a good man, Christopher Brooks.”

We drove in silence for another five minutes before I asked, “So what now?”

“Now we celebrate,” Peter said after a moment. “You are officially off the hook.”

I was happy to hear those words. “By the way, keep an eye on Brandon’s case, I hope he gets everything that’s coming to him.”

“I hear you, brother. I will personally track the charges.”

As we drove back to my loft, I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders. I was finally able to breathe and I enjoyed every minute of it. I took out my phone and sent Sam a text. I had a lot to tell her. I was glad Brandon was no longer at the ranch. I can finally ask Sam out on a proper date and tell her how I felt about her.

I had fallen in love with her and nobody was going to stop me from letting her know. I couldn’t help but think about the last time I saw her. I kissed her and I felt her body melt into mine. I knew she had feelings for me but she’d taken off running. Had I done something wrong? Today was filled with a lot of revelations, but only one seemed important as I drove back to the loft with Peter: What was going on with Sam?



Ispent my day Monday making preparations for my next three projects. The Carters wanted me to do a kitchen and master bathroom remodel and both the Planks and Saunders projects were studio renovations. I was excited to get started, but I needed to finish one last thing at the Brooks ranch. Natasha’s playroom. I left my apartment early Tuesday. My morning sickness was starting to subside and I welcomed the relief. My drive to Highland Park was peaceful. I was now imagining a shorter commute when I close on my new home. It still sounded foreign: “my new home.” Saying it out loud was exhilarating. I had my plans set for the week. Start the accent wall today and finish everything by Thursday. Friday would be my last day to complete all the punch list items I already received from Brandon.

I pulled into the ranch and saw Chris’s Tesla parked out front. I was a little surprised. I thought he was still at his loft in the city. I walked in ready to face Brandon but to my surprise, Natasha was sitting on a stool in the kitchen chatting it up with someone on her iPad.

“Hi, Natasha. How are you?” When she heard my voice, she swung around. I could see the excitement on her face. She dropped the iPad on the kitchen counter, jumped off the stool, and ran into my open arms. She screamed as she hugged me tightly. “Sam! I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too kiddo.”

Chris emerged from the hallway and stood by the counter seeming to give the play-by-play of our interaction to the person on the other end of the Facetime call. Natasha finally dropped her arms, grabbed my hand, and led me enthusiastically to the counter, she popped back up on the stool and resumed her conversation on her iPad. “Aunt Helen, this is Sam.”

“Oh, hi, Sam, I have heard so much about you. I’m Natasha’s Great Aunt Helen.”

I felt a bit awkward. “Hi, Aunt Helen. So nice to meet you. How are you this fine morning?”

“I am great, dear.”

Natasha jumped in, “Sam is here to finish my playroom.” Aunt Helen seemed very interested in every word and I excused myself when I realized they were both just getting started.

I wasn’t sure where Chris went but he disappeared at some point after Natasha resumed her conversation with her aunt. I made my way to the art room and started working on the accent wall. Things seemed quiet and normal at the ranch. I did not hear or see any sign of Brandon. I was curious to know but thought it best to mind my own business. It was close to noon when Chris finally popped his head into the art room. “Hey Sam, do you have a minute?”

I was hoping he was going to fill me in on his cryptic message Sunday night. “Sure.” I followed him to his office.

“So, what’s going on? It seems unusually quiet around here today. Where is Brandon? Even the staff is silent.”

“Mr. Brandon is now an inmate of the Tarrant County Corrections Center.”

My jaw dropped as I plopped down on the leather couch in Chris’ office. He took a seat in his leather recliner. I remained quiet so he could continue.

“You were right,” Chris said. “Brandon tried to frame me for Victoria’s accident. He was the person that I saw that night taking her out of the car when I got to the crash site. He hit me over the head with the music box while I was trying to administer CPR and he was the one who dropped the cufflink at the scene. During an investigation, I also discovered his name was really Frederick Smith, and he and my wife were partners in a crew that scammed rich elderly people for years before coming to Texas.”


“I know, hard to believe. Apparently, I was their next mark. I only made it out of their trap due to their own greed and mistrust of each other.”
