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My face must have gotten flushed because Chris jumped up to get me some water. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am fine. I am just in shock.”

He didn’t seem convinced of my lie but continued with his story after handing me a glass of water and sitting back down in his recliner.

“I found out the night of the crash that Natasha was not my biological daughter. I confronted Victoria over the phone while she was driving with Brandon. She got upset when she found out he double-crossed her and deliberately crashed the car with him in it. Our prenup had a clause that if she was found to be unfaithful, she would leave the marriage with nothing. I think, when she realized the scam was over, she decided to take her anger out on Brandon. Based on what I have learned, she was quite selfish. Everything happened the way it should. I am at peace with it.”

I sat in amazement at the unexpected outcome of the investigation. “So, it was an accident, or was it intentional?”

“Sounds like it was intentional.”

I could see the hurt in his eyes as he recounted the story. We sat in silence; I was deep in thought when Chris spoke, “What is going on with you, Sam? Your reaction the other day in the art room has been on my mind all weekend.”

I felt my heart skip a beat. He wanted a response and I did not have the strength to continue to be evasive. After hearing what Victoria did, I could not keep my pregnancy from him. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I would be unfair to Chris and my unborn babies if I walked away without giving him a chance to be in their lives.

Before I could say anything, Chris got up and walked over to me, he knelt on one knee in front of me and took both my hands. He turned them over and kissed both of them slowly savoring each time his lips touched my skin. “I am in love with you, Samantha Walker. I cannot hide my feelings anymore. Please don’t push me away.” My eyes filled with water and he reached up and brushed the tears away. My defenses were just about gone. He leaned in and kissed my lips and I had no more fight left in me. I melted and he was there to catch my willing body.

He quickly sat on the leather couch next to me, I clung to his hands like they were my lifeline. He gently pulled me up from my seated position on the couch. I quickly straddled his lap. We locked eyes before he cupped my face and continued kissing me. I was in complete bliss, my hormones heightening my senses. Chris unbuttoned my blouse and unhooked my bra. I closed my eyes as he took my tender nipples in his mouth with one hand and slid his hands under my skirt into my soft moist pussy with the other. I wanted him and he was enjoying driving me crazy.

I was unable to contain my desire, so I reached down and unbuckled his belt. I could not open his zipper fast enough. I wanted all of him inside of me. When he entered me, I was in bliss. We moved as one. I wanted more and he obliged. I ripped at his white t-shirt like an out-of-control teenager. I am not sure when my blouse came off, but my nipple was planted deep in his mouth with his tongue caressing me. I dug my fingernails into his skin as he invented new ways to own my willing body. I never thought a man could make me laugh and cry at the same time. His girth grew as my inside got warmer and moister. We were locked inside our own world for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted us to stay like this forever, touching each other’s souls.

I felt his body tensing and I knew what was coming next, pleasing him aroused me even more. I draped my arms around his neck as he took what he wanted. It wasn’t long before we both gave in to the pleasure and excitement. Our bodies shook with desire as he exploded inside me. I sat frozen, draped around him; I was exhausted but satisfied. He kissed my neck and ran his strong hands up and down my spine. I was completely naked and I could think of no place else I would rather be than in this moment with Christopher Brooks. As we sat in the afterglow, my mind went back to what Chris said. He loved me and wanted me in his life. I was scared to tell him about the pregnancy but I could not hide this from him any longer. I saw the hurt in his eyes from Victoria’s deceit. He deserved the truth.



“I am pregnant with twins.”

His hands went limp and he pushed me away and stared into my eyes. I wasn’t sure what was coming next. He smiled and pulled me back into a tight embrace.

I felt like an idiot for not telling him sooner. My hormones took over and I started crying.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

I could hear the concern in his voice. “I have been holding on to this secret for the past six weeks, and it’s been eating me up. I feel like an idiot, I should have told you sooner.”

“I understand why you didn’t. I would have been apprehensive too. It has been a crazy month and a half. I’m just glad you stuck it out with me and Natasha. You couldn’t have given me better news. I love being a father, and knowing that I’ll be raising my children with you? You have just made me the happiest man in the world.”

I held on tighter as the tears continued to pour down my cheek.

* * *



It’s been ten months since I found out that I was having twins. A boy and a girl, I am still in awe. Looking back, I can hardly believe the drastic changes in my life.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Peter walked into my office. “Hey, brother.” I was surprised to see him today. He was headed to Paris with his new wife. “I thought you and Paige were flying out today?”

“We were but we had to change our plans slightly, the jet isn’t going anywhere.”

I was intrigued. “Why? What happened?”

Peter had a huge grin. “I’m going to be a father!”

I was excited about my friend’s good news. He has been longing for this moment for years. “Congratulations, brother! I’m happy for both of you.” I shook his hand before heading to my desk to pour him a glass of whiskey. This was definitely something to celebrate. “Let’s go to the kitchen. I think the twins are up, and I think it’s time for me to start practicing changing diapers.” We both chuckled as we headed to see what my wife and kids were up to.
