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It could grow intoeverything.

“You’re quiet.”

“So are you,” I return.

“But you're never quiet.”

I snuggle deeper into him, unable to help my smile. “I feel peaceful right now.”

“Peaceful,” he parrots, like he’s testing out the word. The meaning.

“Mmhmm,” I confirm. “Peaceful.” Lifting my head from his shoulder, I look into his eyes. “What do you feel?”

There's that hunger again. It flashes in his eyes like a lightning bolt, hot and powerful.

He clears his throat, not giving me the answer I want as he rumbles, “I just want to make sure you're okay. I probably shouldn't have done that. Kissed you like that.”

“Why not?”

His eyes search mine again, and there's so much uncertainty in this big, rough man. So much self-doubt. Like he’s waiting for the shoe to drop. For the glass floor he’s standing on to give way.

“Did you want it? The kiss?”

“Nick,” I breathe his name incredulously. “If I didn't want it, I wouldn't have kissed you back.”

This answer seems to surprise and please him. Still, I lean forward and touch my mouth to his. I can feel his hunger simmering below the surface. A beast desperate to claim, but he holds back.

He doesn't deepen the kiss. He doesn't take control.

He lets me kiss him, and he kisses me back gently. Even though I can feel an urgency simmering below the surface, he’s keeping it restrained for me.

When I pull away, I feel a blush staining my cheeks. “I like kissing you.”

“I like kissing you too, Sunshine.”

Sunshine.Again, I snuggle into his chest and we're quiet as we listen to the storm rage, cocooned by the warmth of the fire in the stove.

And I know with a certainty I'll always know that I am safe with this man.

Safe in his arms in his home. As long as he's here, I want to be here too.

It's been twenty-four hours. I never knew, never believed it was possible to start falling so fast. I should have known better. Look what happened to Mom and Dad.

A girl’s trip to Arizona.

A love to last a lifetime.



I wake up the next morning intent to make Nick breakfast. Who can sleep after a kiss like that, anyway? I couldn't. I thought about that kiss all night.

The sleep I did get was restless. My body felt achy and hungry and needy…

I knew exactly what I was needy for.

For him.

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