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“Are you sure?” I think I catch a note of teasing in his voice before he kisses me, and he's so gentle even though I can feel his own control hovering at the edge.

I want him to be at the edge. I want him to drive over the cliff. I want him to come crashing down into me and I want to spill over the side with him and to fall into the abyss.

I want him.“I'm ready,” I promise and feel as his hand moves between us, fisting his cock as he lines us up.

“Are you sure?” he asks one last time. I nod, and he drops his mouth to mine, kissing me deep.

I can feel the head of his cock again, and then he pulls away breaking our kiss, his eyes holding mine as he slowly moves forward. I stiffen at his invasion, fingers curling around his shoulders, digging into him. He's really, really, big. All of him. His girth, his length, his body. He's huge. And I want to take every inch of him, but he’s almost too much.

He pulls out and a breath of relief I didn't realize I was holding tumbles between my lips. I'm hot everywhere. My skin is wet with sweat. So is his. It beads at his temples as he holds back, restraining himself, taking it slow.

He feeds me another inch and I moan because it's so good. And it hurts so deeply. I can't tell if it's his invasion or if it's my need to pull him deeper that's hurting so intensely. I want to cry, and I want to laugh. So I just reach up and pull him in for another hard kiss. He sinks in another inch and my body tenses on instinct. He pulls back and I see knowing in his eyes as his own body tenses, stilling inside me, and then I feel him move. He bucks forward quickly, his hips thrusting into me, breaking through the barrier I held intact for twenty-two years.

I cry out and he devours my cry, swallowing it as he covers my mouth with a deep kiss. He's rooted deep inside me, and I feel so impossibly full. It’s exquisite and painful and beautiful. He stays like that, kissing my mouth, my nose, my forehead, my jaw.

Slowly, as the seconds tick by, my body grows accustomed to him.

He knows when it's time to move because he pulls back gently and thrusts in again. My legs spread wider around his hips and before I know it, I'm locking my ankles around his back, driving him deeper into me,harder into me. I'm climbing this peak with him, eager to fly off the edge.

He picks up the pace, his hips slamming into mine, his body pinning mine into the bed beneath him, our mouths and tongues dancing. I can feel the build in my body, the climax is nearing, and when it hits, it hits violently. He continues thrusting through it, finding his own release.

Seconds later, he grunts as his pleasure spills from between his lips. His cum filling me and I realize, stunned, we haven't used protection.

I also realize I don't care. Because this man—this moment—this was written for us.

He's still buried deep inside me when he lifts his head. His dark eyes search mine and I'm not sure what he sees in the depths, but his voice is deep and filled with so much emotion when he says, “I'm in love with you, Sadie.”

My heart explodes in an orgasm all of its own.

I laugh even though a tear spills from my eye as emotions wrack my body, shaking me. I curl my arms around his broad shoulders to pull him back to me, not wanting to let him go. Not wanting this moment to end.

“I love you.” His body shudders against mine, and I know that this is one of those moments in life where things change—where life is altered.

My life has just been altered.

It'll never be the same.

Not ever again.

And I wouldn't want to go back anyway.



I stir to the scent of coffee and bacon.

Rolling over in Nick's bed, my eyes land on his empty side before sliding to the open door of his bedroom. I feel a dull throb, and it hits me then—the ache between my legs. The reminder that he was there, that he was inside me.

The memory of his hands on my body, his mouth on my skin, him inside me—thrusting, owning and completing me—floods me with warmth. Pinpricks of warmth erupt across every inch of me, flushing my skin red with renewed want.

I shift again, smiling to myself.

I had sex last night. With Nick.

And he was amazing.

It was everything I dreamed it would be and so much more. Because I didn't feel like it was just our bodies connecting. I felt like it was our souls. Like that moment in time was always intended to come to pass. Like it was written one thousand years before we ever came to this place, predestined. A Christmas miracle.
