Page 121 of Resolve

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“It’s to show everyone you’re taken.” He leaned down and kissed her.

She lost herself in his kiss. It was amazing how her life had changed. She’d flirted with temptation when she said yes to Gavin, but now she was happy she’d given in. She loved and trusted him. Life with him was going to be one big temptation after another.

He broke the kiss and led her to a set of doors. She could vaguely hear a primal beat of the music. Gavin opened the door and gestured for her to enter. As she brushed past him, he whispered in her ear, “Welcome to Wicked Sanctuary.”

* * *

Thankyou for reading Flirting with Temptation. You can find out more about Wicked Sanctuary in Tempt:

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Kathy L Wheelerloves the NFL, NBA—well, sports in general—musical theater, travel, reading, writing, and… karaoke. Kathy writes historical to contemporary romance from sweet to sexy to flaming. You can find Kathy at


My love of theater, control of one’s own choice and destiny, and happily-ever-after converge in this short story. The first of five such stories, and hopefully more in the coming year. Thank you for joining this journey.

~~~Kathy L Wheeler


(Script description forVictory is Mine)

Early 19thcentury.The story of Teresa who was recently blinded. Her family is stymied in how to help her. She is turning into a recluse before their eyes. To keep her safe, as best they know how, they hire a bodyguard, Beauregard. Beauregard is not just a bodyguard. He was recently relieved of his profession at Eton when his disciplinary measures did not sit well with his students' wealthy parents. He now finds himself stuck in the country with this spoiled, yet pathetic hellion who must learn to navigate a whole new world.

“No!No. No. No. Did you even bother reading the script, Mr. Harrison?”

The problem, as Maylis Smith saw it, was her co-star. The man was a diva if ever she’d seen one. There was no question her co-star had talent, but when it came to the first kiss of the two required in this show, he was stiff as a board and notthatkind of stiff.

Well, maybe a little. His passion hadn’t translated from his penis to his lips. God knows, when it was time for the final of their two kissing scenes, her skin tingled with anticipation. But why, when he touched her, didn’t his lips move beneath hers?

“Mr. Harrison, what the fuck is wrong with you? You got a stick up your ass I can’t see?” The director blasted him.

Maylis cringed and edged into the shadows and away from the red crawling up her co-star’s neck. The fury in his face.

“Never mind. We’ll pick it up between the butler and the goddamn housekeeper while you, Mr. Harrison, decide if this show is the right fit for you. Get out of my fucking sight.”

Maylis let out a relieved breath at having escaped censure herself and stole away to the women’s dressing room. She almost reached the door.

“I take it you’re thrilled with the director’s little outburst,” Aiden Harrison said on a bitter huff.

Maylis turned slowly and faced him. She studied his hardened jawline and was shocked by the unexpected heat surging through her. He exuded a hostility that was not only surprising but was unwarranted. It didn’t change the irritation bristling over her skin. “I’m sorry?” Somehow, she kept it polite.

“I’ve had just about enough of your diva attitude.”

Her mouth gaped and she couldn’t seem to get it shut.

“You know very well, what I’m talking about.” He took a menacing step forward. “Maybe we should do a little practicing. Your kisses need work.” His voice dropped to a depth that touched her in a very private place.

What the hell was she thinking? She snapped her mouth shut and shook her head, attempted a shove at his more than sculpted torso that was as immovable as a brick wall. “Mykissesneed work? I don’t believe the director was speaking to me,Beauregard.”

“I believe the director’s right. It’s me that needs the work.” His voice had shifted to low and seductive and was an onslaught to her senses. His hands warmed her upper arms. What the hell was going on here?
