Page 140 of Resolve

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“I can’t come home right now, Mom. I’m flying out next week.”

“But, Maylis.”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll come home right after New Year’s.” But Maylis doubted her mother would even remember this conversation. “I’ll call you from Kentucky. Next week. Okay? Tell Dad I love him.”

“I will, honey. I’ll see you next week.”

Maylis disconnected the call not bothering to correct her mother’s last comment.


Aiden watchedthe sun rise from the top step of Maylis’s building right outside her door. He heard her cell phone ring, and the low mumble of her voice, yet was unable to make out her words. His intention hadn’t been to spy on her. It didn’t matter who she’d spoken to, he just wanted her safe. She’d never locked her door. He would have heard it.

He’d promised he would leave the night before, but he hadn’t been able to make himself get in the car and drive away. He was stiff from the overnight freezing cold. He’d felt the weight of her tears. He justified his presence by provided his protective services, though if she knew, no doubt she’d be furious.

Apparently, she’d been through hell the past year. He had no desire in making it more so.

He stood and stretched out the kinks. If she caught him sitting outside her door, she’d flay him alive, and leave him no chance to show her his true feelings—whatever those were.

He started down the stairs but the door behind him opened. He turned slowly. Her eyes were puffy from crying.

“What are you doing here?”

She sounded winded, not angry.

“You didn’t lock your door last night. I stayed to make sure…”

“Oh. Well, you might as well come in and have some coffee. Or tea.”

“I wouldn’t mind the use of your bathroom.”

“Why not?” She turned around, disappearing inside. “Coffee or tea?”

“Coffee.” He went into the bathroom and took a long piss. Why wasn’t she screaming for his head? He flushed, then washed his hands and rinsed out his mouth. He made his way back into the other room. There were two stools in front of the tall counter. He remembered the counter, because he’d set her vibrator on top, but he didn’t remember the stools.

She was pouring water through a coffee maker.

“I can’t help wondering why you aren’t yelling at me?”

Her smile was soft and minute. She lifted one shoulder. “I appreciate you staying. It didn’t even occur to me to get up and lock the door, and this isn’t the safest neighborhood.”

“That’s true.”

“I suppose you heard the news?”

“What news?”

“A representative from Powell’s was at the party last night.”

“Oh, yeah. Thomas Vance. I heard he asked to talk to you.”

“He did.”

“Was it bad news? If it was, I wouldn’t put much stock in it.” His voice grew firmer. “I mean it, Maylis. You’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with. Too bad you can’t tell the fucker where to go.”

Her back was to him while she took a couple of mugs from a cabinet. She spun quickly, facing him, her expression surprised.

“That’s just it. He wants to fly me to Louisville next week and audition for a new Austen production atThe Humana Festival.”
