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Curious about thecouple from the pharmacy parking lot? The only thing sunny William and grumpy Morgan have in common is their shared address. Their sexy enemies-to-lovers story is coming soon inDOWN, BOY,book 1 in Sara’sIn the Doghouse series. Subscribe to her newsletter so you don’t miss out!

If you’re too impatient to wait, William also charms his way through the second-chance romanceTEMPTING FATEas the hero’s best friend. Grab it here!




Addie Woolridge is a classically trained opera singer who lives in Northern California. When she isn’t writing or singing, Woolridge can be found baking; training for her sixth race in the Seven Continents Marathon Challenge; or taking advantage of the region’s signature beverage, wine. Find her at


Deep couldn’t believeshe managed to let another friend trick her into going out on New Year’s again. This was supposed to be an engagement party, but now that she was here, it was obvious this was anything but. Exhaling slowly, she reminded herself that this was for Dylan—the woman who not only saved her job, but was easily one of her most dear friends. She couldn’t be upset with her. Not for long, anyway.

It was just that showing up to a New Year’s bash alone felt like hell. Pair that with an engagement party and the sting was double. Not that she was upset about Emanuel bowing out on her. Frankly, he’d done them both a favor. She only wished he could have waited 24 hours to do it, so she wouldn’t have to look so pitiful.

“Thank you.” She flashed the attendant her best megawatt smile as she handed over her coat, pushing all thoughts of Emanuel and looking like a Future Cat Lady of America aside. She was not pitiful. She was Deep Motherfucking Khatri. She was fabulous, damn it. Even alone on New Year’s Eve and freshly dum—detached. She amended. Deep didn’t get dumped. At best, someone realized she needed to leave before she did. That was different than getting dumped. Obviously.

“Have fun tonight.” The salt and pepper-haired attendance smiled back at her, and Deep felt a little better. Never mind that her preferred method of New Year’s Eve-ing was being home in her sweats, far, far away from all of the pressure of finding ‘someone.’ She would make tonight fun. Besides, Dylan had assured her there would be lots of eligible people here. She could catch someone new with a snap of her fantastically manicured fingers. In fact, maybe she would.

Deep slipped the claim ticket into her pocket and set off toward the sensory room. It had been more than a year since she, Dylan and the rest of Technocore had come together to help the children’s museum build the high-tech room, and it still took her breath away every time she stepped foot in there. You’d probably have to pull teeth to get her to admit it, but this project was still one of her favorite things she’d ever worked on, not just because her best friend was getting married to the museum’s director, but because it brought everyone at Technocore together and through a rough patch.

Glancing around the room, she instantly spotted Dylan, not that it was hard to do, the woman was taller than three-quarters of the people in the room and always impeccably, albeit a little stuffily, dressed. Plus, she was absolutely glowing in the low-backed, dark blue dress that Deep helped her pick out.

“You look amazing!” Deep waved like she was signaling a ship, then darted across the room to hug her friend.

“Only because of you,” Dylan said, wrapping her in a massive squeeze, then took a step back to look her up and down. “Okay, jumpsuit with the matching nail polish. I still can’t figure out how you pull of these colors.”

Deep turned to show off her iridescent, backless, lime green jumpsuit. She’d scoured Seattle for it as soon as she realized she’d have to go out tonight. “It’s my secret. And by that, I mean that I waste enough money at Jones and 67 that they call when something like this comes in.”

“So glad you could make it,” Mike said, pulling Deep into the same warm hug that her friend had.

“Wouldn’t miss this for the world.” A smile crossed Deep’s face as she realized Dylan and Mike gave the same kind of hug. Another sign the two of them were meant to be together. Checking over her shoulder, Deep leaned in and whispered, “How’s the party going? Family still getting along?”

Mike and Dylan exchanged glances, then Mike burst into laughter.

“Compromises were made, but we got here,” Dylan sighed. “My parents eventually let go of the idea of the roving performers, and his got over the whole engagement tea party concept.”

“Words were had, but no glitter or punches were thrown, so I’d call it a success,” Mike added.

“Although, yesterday his mom, Linda, asked us if we were sure we wanted her to cancel the reservation for tea at the Fairmont.”

“Okay, but last week, your dad fully sent me an email with a link to the silk performers.” Mike giggled. “Just a link, by the way, no added context whatsoever.”

Deep laughed and some of the trepidation she’d felt lifted. “Okay, but would it really be Henry if he didn’t make one last appeal? Frankly, Mike, you should be flattered he came to you. That is high praise from your soon-to-be father-in-law.”

“That’s what I tried to tell him,” Dylan said, the volume of her voice raising slightly as she got excited. “Besides, if he is marrying into the Delacroixs, he kind of has no choice but to get used to it. At least dad didn’t show up to our place in person.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “So, when does that start? Because…” He paused and squinted over to where his moms were standing, then turned to Dylan. “My brother is here.”

“Really?” Dylan stopped and stared over at his moms. Turning to Deep, she added, “We’d better go say hi. Knowing his brother, we won’t see him again until the wedding. And even then for five minutes.”

“No worries, I want to grab a drink and find Brandt.”

“Thanks for coming.”
