Page 64 of Resolve

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December 31,2014

“I resolve to fight for other’s rights to the choices that I had.”


After I extricate myself from Maddie’s bed, I do the nighttime sweep of the house. First, I pick up and put away shoes, cups, and toys, then throw away the wrappers from all the junk that came home in birthday-party goody bags. When everything’s mostly put back together but my husband still hasn’t appeared, I go looking for him.

When I find Sam still reading to Liam, I step in to play bad cop. “It is way past bedtime for you, mister.”

“It’s Daddy’s bedtime too?” Liam asks so cheekily that it’s hard to tell whether he’s kidding or not.

“Yep. Everybody’s bedtime.”

“But we’re almos’ finish’,” he protests.

Eyeing the title,A Black Hole is Not a Hole, I have to suppress the pride that my four-year-old can digest books intended for kids more than twice his age, because I need some alone time with my husband. “Too late to finish that book tonight. You and Daddy can do another chapter tomorrow.”

I get the disappointed “Aww-ww” from both of my boys, but then Sam rolls out of the bed and tucks Liam in. “G’night, buddy. See you next year.”

Liam laughs like he has all day at the New Year’s joke, but then he pulls his favorite stuffie under his pointy little chin and sighs out a “G’night.”

After closing the door, I grab Sam’s hand and pull him down the hall toward our bedroom.

“Rarin’ to go, huh?” he asks.

“You betcha.” In the doorway, I release his hand and begin to strip. “Two kids’ birthday parties in one day? I’m ready for a little New Year’s celebration that is not rated G.”

His grin is wicked. “Are we talking R, NC-17, or…”

“Rate it how you want,” I say, grabbing him by the belt and pulling him close. “As long as it involves at least one orgasm, I’m in.”

He skims fingers down my sides as I help him shed his pants. After he steps out of them, toes off his socks, and does that sexy, man thing where he reaches over his shoulder with one hand to pull his Henley off, I start the descent to my knees, but he pulls me back up to standing and pushes me onto the bed.

Pointing at my underwear, he growls, “Off.”

I mirror him. “You too.”

Once we’re both fully naked, I scoot back so that I’m all the way on the bed. He straddles me and leans in for a long, lingering kiss, but when I reach between his thighs to stroke and squeeze, he breaks the kiss to give me an interesting look.

“I think we might finally have time for this, for once,” he says, before lying back next to me with his feet by the headboard. “You, on top, but keep your head up there.”

“Oooh, fun,” I whisper. “But hang on.”

Rolling off the bed, I lock the door to the bedroom and then crawl on top of him again. Fisting his dick in my hand, I run a thumb over its head just as he takes my ass in hand and pulls me toward his mouth. We’ve only sixty-nined a few times before, and there’s nothing like the challenge of pleasing him as he simultaneously takes me apart and puts me back together again.

He parts my folds so his mouth can tease. I take him deep into my mouth, my tongue swirling up his length. It’s a delicious, mind-blowing give and take that has my hips bucking while my shoulders and arms strain to stay under control. But when he sucks hard on my clit as a finger presses into that spot just above my anus, I have to release him or his dick will be collateral damage.

“Yes, baby. Come for me,” he croons.

And I do, sensation exploding from my center to the tip of everything. Gripping my ass hard, his tongue strokes until I can’t take it anymore, and I twist around, so loose-limbed I fall over. Strong arms steady me until I’ve straddled him the other way round, and I guide him to my entrance. The moment he’s inside, he begins to thrust, and I immediately squeeze him hard, bracing my hands on the headboard.

When I arch my back, he squeezes my tits together, before kneading and pinching and sucking me into another full-on orgasm. I’m still keening in pleasure when he flips me onto my stomach. Firm hands grip my hip bones, positioning me as he pleases, and before I take another breath, he’s inside, ramping up speed and force until he’s pistoning into me over and over. Just as I’m shuddering around him again, he finds his own release with an animalistic groan and collapses on top of me.

Eventually, we separate and roll onto our backs. I’m still catching my breath when Sam asks, “Hey, what was up with you and Evie’s mom today?”

My brain’s not quite back to earth, so it takes me a minute to figure out who and what and where he’s talking about. But then it all comes back. Including the woman’s holier-than-thou tone dressed up as concern. “Ugh. That woman.”

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