Page 48 of Meant for Wolves

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“And I will ask for their help if I can figure out what to do next.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

After her father hung up, Tawny slumped back in her seat. Someone knocked on her office door, and her heart rate spiked once more. “Yes?”

Julia came in. “A man has a question about one of the rescues.” She stopped. “If you’re too busy, I can try to help him.”

“That’s sweet of you to offer, but I’ll speak with him. Thanks, Julia.”

Tawny stood and went out to the main room to help the gentleman. He was about six feet and a human, but since he wasn’t limping, he probably hadn’t been shot today. “Can I help you?”

“I wanted to take a look at your dogs. My seven-year-old son has been begging me for one, and it’s his birthday next week.”

“That is sweet. Come this way. I think I have the perfect pet for you.”

After thirty minutes of describing each dog, the man said he’d return in a few days with his son. The whole time she was chatting with him, Brett was lurking. If she’d had the chance, she would have told him that this man appeared to be safe.

A little after five o’clock, she locked up once her employees left. From the car, she called Liam.

“Hey, is everything okay?”

Why would he assume something bad had happened? Oh, yeah. Maybe because her brother had been shot and his car had been stolen. “No, not really.” She explained that Ethan had a surprise visitor today who tried to kill him.

“Christ. Are you sure this man knew Ethan was a Granger?”

“I’m not sure of much, which is why I want to talk with him. Ethan should still be at the garage.”

“It might not be wise to go there,” Liam said.

“Why not?”

“This person could be lurking nearby in order to find out who else is a Granger.”

She didn’t buy that. “Then what if we ask Ethan to stop by your house after work? I would tell him to make sure he wasn’t followed. I’d also like Mason to come over, too, and sweep for bugs. It’s what he does.”

“Sure. The more the merrier. There might have been something Ethan saw but didn’t mention because he didn’t think it important at the time.”

Tawny really appreciated how analytical Liam was. “I’ll give both of them a call.”

Once she disconnected, she dialed Mason's number to invite him over. He said he’d be happy to stop by Alex and Liam’s place. He’d even pick up some food at the diner.

“You are the best, Mason.”

“I try.”

Next, she called Ethan, who sounded a little shaken, but he claimed he told her father everything. “I don’t know what else I can add.”

“Stop over anyway. I know Zach would love the company, and I haven’t seen you in a while.” She then gave him directions. “Besides, Mason is stopping by and bringing dinner.”

“Why didn't you say this was a catered affair? I’ll definitely stop over. I was about to leave work, but I’ll need some time to clean up. Then I’ll drive over.”

“See you soon.”

Tawny started the car and took off. Once more, she kept a close eye on the cars behind her. At one point, she thought someone was tailing her. To be sure she wasn’t being followed, when Tawny reached Alex and Liam’s driveway, she drove past it and then turned right down the next street. After turning around and driving back to the main road, the car that had been behind her was nowhere in sight, thank goodness.

When she finally pulled in front of their house, she exhaled. There were enough trees at the entrance to block the view of her car from the street. They really needed to find out who these people were before anyone else was injured, or heaven forbid, killed. She should probably be thankful these vigilantes were human. Otherwise, her family might be in a lot more danger.


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