Page 51 of Meant for Wolves

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Once Ethan and Mason left, the four of them decided that if they didn’t stop obsessing over these vigilantes, they’d overlook something important. So for the rest of the evening, they watched a silly comedy. Alex was a goof, and even Liam let loose a little. Zach remained fairly quiet. Losing his key and wallet would create a lot of problems for him when all of this was over. It wasn’t like he personally could call the bank and cancel his cards.

Zach yawned and claimed he was going to shift and rest. “I guess I’m not as healed as I thought. I want to be back to normal quickly so I can take advantage of the training. Goodnight.” He then headed down the stairs to his cave.

She stood. “That’s my cue. I, too, need to be up early. Today has been stressful.”

When neither man made a move to hug or kiss her, disappointment shot through her. What was wrong with her? Sure, the sex between her and Alex had been amazing, but did she really think he’d want to sleep with her every night? So what if he’d implied it? Perhaps he and Liam needed to discuss a few things before he came in.

With renewed pep in her step, she headed to the bedroom. Since the stress hadn’t let up for days, a long soak in the tub was just what she needed. She’d searched earlier and hadn’t found any bath salts. If she had time, she might pick some up. Heaven only knew how long she’d have to stay at their place.

Thankfully, no one hinted that these vigilantes were after female Grangers, but she couldn’t chance they weren’t. And while the werewolf women had something in their blood that allowed them to heal faster than an ordinary human, if Tawny had been shot like Zach, she doubted she’d have survived.

Enough of these depressing thoughts. After she filled the tub, she stepped in and sunk down. The marvelous heat helped relieve the tension in her bunched muscles. As she washed, she pictured Alex dragging the soap over her breasts and down her arms. When he tried to get fresh and swipe the bar between her legs, she’d pretend as if that area was off limits. Tawny smiled and leaned her head back. Yup. She was hooked on Alex.

What about Liam?

That little voice in her head had popped up several times tonight—okay, tonight and every day since she’d met them.

The only way to figure out which one she wanted to be with was to make love with Liam too. Whenever she couldn’t decide between two dresses she wanted to buy, she’d try them both on. It could work with men, right?

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, Tawny realized how unemotional that was. The best way to know who she should be with was to let her heart decide.

Once her fingers pruned, she emptied the tub and then took a quick shower to wash off any excess soap. After drying off, she wrapped a towel around her body and stepped into the bedroom to put on her panties and a T-shirt.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Liam was on her bed. Naked. Reading a book. And wearing glasses. Oh. My. God. Her pussy shot to high alert.

“Did I miss some party invitation?” she managed to utter.

He set down the book, slipped off his glasses, and patted the bed. “I think you know why I’m here.”

It was rather late for guessing games, but Liam intrigued her. She hadn’t expected him to just be in her bedroom without asking first, though he kind of had done just that this morning.

Now what should she do? Throw him out? No, not tonight. Tawny wanted him. She walked to the other side of the bed and crawled next to him. “What are you reading?”

“Do you care?”

Not at all.“You do. Why else would you bring a book to bed?”

“Just biding my time. Trust me, without the book, I would have gone into the bathroom. The moment I saw you naked, I would have dragged you to bed.”

She laughed. Who was this man? Liam was usually more reserved than this. “Then thank you for allowing me the time to luxuriate in the tub. It was divine.”

He swiped something from her cheek. “You left a bit of soap there.”

That couldn’t be true. She’d showered afterward. “Not to be a downer, but does Alex know you’re here? I thought he was going to come in tonight.”

Liam grinned. “I can ask him to join us! But yes, he knows and gives his blessing.” He sobered and sat up straighter. “I’m just going to come out and say it. You and I are mates.”

That was rather bold to blurt it out like that, but she appreciated the confirmation. “I thought it might be true." However, she believed that Alex was her mate. Was she wrong? "What about Alex?”

“What about him?”

“Are the two of us mates, also?”

Liam rolled to his side and lifted up on his elbow. “Would you like that? Rumor has it you prefer only one man.”

Damn Mason and his big mouth. Tawny needed to decide how long she wanted to string them along. “Since you’re in my bed, how about we see how well we fit?” They could discuss the issue of Alex being her mate later.

Heat suddenly raced up her face. She didn’t know what it was about these men, but they brought out her inner vixen. Caution was usually her game. Since she’d met her mate or mates, it seemed as if her inhibitions had vanished.
