Page 61 of Meant for Wolves

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“She’s amazing. Her brother is working with Mason. He’s a private investigator too.”

Her dad tapped the pen he’d been holding on the table. “I’d watch her. She’s new in town.”

“I am. Will was interested in her. I should call him to see if he ever went out with her.”

Her father leaned forward. “Doesn’t it seem a bit coincidental that Julia would work for you and possibly date your brother?”

Tawny blew out a long breath. “I guess. I’ll ask Mason if he noticed Brad limping. If he is, then he might be our guy.”

“Talk with both of your brothers tonight and see what they have to say. In the meantime, I want to give the general another call. He was investigating these vigilante groups.”

“Sounds good. You never say much about this general. Have you kept in touch much over the years?”

“Some. Stanfield and I served together in the Gulf War, but I left the service after two tours. He stayed in a lot longer. He rose in the ranks quickly but retired after the war ended.”

“That must have been hard on his wife.”

“It was, but did you know he was in a ménage relationship?”

He’d told her very little about this man. Why would he share that kind of intimate detail now? Was he tacitly giving his blessing to be in a ménage relationship should she decide to be with both Liam and Alex? “No. You don’t talk about him much.”

“You never asked before. Anyway, the three of them hid the relationship the best they could. Back in the days, it wasn’t as accepted as it is here. The reason I bring it up is because the third man was killed by a Colter.”

“A Colter? What’s that?”

“A bad group of werewolves. Think of them like the Franklin Clan.”

“Is that why General Armand started his Pack?”

“Yes. He vowed war on these wolves. Most of the leaders have been killed, but some still remain. I don’t think you can ever get rid of a bad group completely.”

“I hear you. Raid one meth lab and another will pop up.”

“Exactly. The general received donations from families who’d been hurt by these Colters and also inherited a lot of money. He will do whatever he can to take out these rogue werewolves.”

“The vigilantes should go after them, not us.”

“Wouldn't that be nice.” Her dad placed his hands on his desk. “Not that I don’t love to spend time with my only daughter, but didn’t you say you had ordered dinner for the men?”

“Oh, crap. I did.” She pushed back her chair. “If we find any more bugs, I’ll let you know. And thanks for the suggestion about putting bugs around the center. We just might learn something.”

He held up a hand. “Just a suggestion; I wouldn’t disturb any bugs you find. It might be a good way to mislead them.”

She smiled. “That was my plan.”

Tawny hugged her dad goodbye and left. Next stop was the diner to pick up the to-go food. She was running later than she planned, but she had needed to speak with her dad.

After grabbing the food, she rushed home. As always, Tawny checked to make sure no one had followed her. When she entered the house, Zach was the only one there. She went downstairs into the man cave where her twin was hitting the punching bag.

“Where are Alex and Liam? I bought dinner since Mason will be stopping by shortly.”

He stopped and wiped his brow. “Liam and Alex are still at Uncle Josh’s training Benson, his twin brothers, and Preston.”

“They are really taking this extra training sessions seriously. If the people who shot you are humans, why the need to learn to fight in their wolf form?”

“I guess they want to cover all their bases in case werewolves are directing these humans.”

That made sense. “I’m going to shower and change. If Mason comes, get the door.”
