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“Meaning that one of us might catch you, but it’s entirely possible that the other two may steal you.”

I glance at the Brain, who still wears his mask. That’s what’s going to happen, then. Two of them are going to work together. I meet Henri’s gaze. Will he be able to save me?

Henri says in a low tone, “Dove, you have to try to win. There’s always a chance that you can outsmart us.”

My eyes water as I nod. I mean, what choice do I have unless I refuse to take part?

Luca says, “Just so we’re clear. If you decide not to play with us, then it will be so much worse for you when I catch you. Understand?”

I glare. “Yes, I understand. But I have a few stipulations. I want to see Chip and Belle. I don’t know any of you. Not really. I need to know that they’re safe. Second, I want shoes. There’s no way I’m going to outrun the three of you barefoot. Three, I want a ten-minute head start.”

“Ten minutes? I don’t think so.”

“Afraid a chubby girl is going to manage to outrun you?”

He smiles at me. “Fine. I will agree to the head start and I will allow you to see proof of your sibling’s safety. As for the shoes, that’s a hard limit.”


He snaps his fingers, and the Brain scurries away. I purposely turn my attention from him to Henri.

“I’m guessing this is why you didn’t answer my text.”

He flinches. “Dove, I—”

“Was this the plan all along? To seduce me so I’d let down my guard.”

“I know I haven’t given you any right to believe me, but that’s not the case. I didn’t know that Luca had his eyes set on you until it was too late.”

Luca huffs at that. I look away. As crazy as it is, I believe Henri. I just don’t understand why he’s going along with this madness.

As if sensing my thoughts, he says, “I didn’t have a choice. The only thing I could do was to take part so that I can be the one who wins you.”

Luca chooses that moment to speak. “About that. Don’t get it in your head that you can simply let my cousin catch you without fighting. Your punishment will be much worse if that’s what happens.”

The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, mostly because I still can’t believe this is happening to me. The Brain comes back, carrying a tablet that he hands to Luca. Luca swipes on the screen before turning it so I can see. A sob works its way up my throat. It’s video footage, and the timestamp shows it is current. Chip is asleep in a bed covered by a blanket from his favorite movie. He’s surrounded by toys and is smiling even in his sleep. The camera moves, zooming in on Belle, who’s in a crib on the other side of the room. She’s asleep and looks as healthy as can be.

The room they’re in is massive. Even in the dark, I can tell that the carpet is lush. Toys litter the floor, and it makes something deep in my chest pull. That room is bigger than our entire apartment. It’s something I’ll never be able to give them on my own. They’re safe, warm, and unharmed. That right there is more than I’ve been able to give them.

“You swear that they’re going to be taken care of?”

Luca puts the tablet face down on the tabletop. “I give you my word.”

“When will the chase happen?”


I swallow. “I’m ready.”

I’m anything but ready, but I’ll be damned if I let them know. Besides, I’d rather face my fate now than to have time to let it fester in the back of my mind.

Luca says, “Excellent. Let’s go outside, shall we?”

He’s acting like this is going to be something pleasant when it’s not. What is wrong with this man?

He leads the way, and Henri follows right behind. I was hoping he would come to my side, but maybe that’s against some kind of rule or something. The Brain follows behind me.
