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I glance over my shoulder. “Scared to take off your mask?”


But he makes no move to remove it. Creep.

I’m led outside, and it hits me just how big this estate is. We’re clearly not in Chicago, though we have to be close since the car ride wasn’t terribly long when I was kidnapped. The yard is well kept, but once we get to the back of the house, I see what Luca meant. It looks like the lawn has never been mowed. Trees line the property, and in the distance, I see a red, blinking light.

“Is that where I have to go to win?”

I hope like hell that they can’t hear the doubt in my voice.

Luca answers, “Yes.”

Even if I was in shape, I’m not sure that I’d be able to do this with ease. I glance at Luca, who’s watching me with a smile on his lips. An actual smile.

He says, “Your time starts soon. After ten minutes, my cousins and I will give chase. After twenty, the hounds will be released.”

“Excuse me. What?”

“Oh, did I forget to mention the dogs?” He gives me a look that sends my stomach swirling. “There are dogs. Six of them. All very good at what they do, in case you manage to outrun us and hide.”

Brain adds, “Others have asked for a map of the property so they could figure out the best route.” He clicks his tongue. “You might not be the smartest birdie we’ve ever had, but you’re the prettiest.”

My stomach heaves. I could have asked for a map, and they would have given it to me? The look on Henri’s face confirms this. Shit. Shit! Shit! Shit!

Luca says, “Your time starts in one minute. I’d tell you to stretch or something, but I doubt it will make a difference. You’ve already put yourself at a disadvantage by refusing to eat. Remember that when I catch you. Remember that this could have been avoided so many times. Remember that I’m a man of my word. I will catch you. I will break you. And then I’m going to kill you.”

Air solidifies in my throat. Each word that he says feels like a punch to the gut.

He smiles. “Better run, Dove.”

I want to slap the look right off Luca’s face. He thinks he’s won this, and it pisses me off.





Everything in my body screams for me to do as he says, but I know that as soon as I take off that my life is over. My best bet it is to stay right where I’m at. But what if he wasn’t lying about the dogs? They’ll attack me and I won’t be able to get out of this hell.

Henri steps forward. “Dammit, Dove. Run!”

The anguished look in his eyes has me running. I’m still so angry and hurt by what Henri has done, but I have faith that he’s going to catch me as he promised and get me out of this.

The ground is uneven, cutting into the soles of my feet. It could be worse—there could be snow on the ground. The weather gods must have a sense of humor because icy rain pours down at that moment, thunder rumbling in the distance. The red light seems so far away, but I can do this. I have to!

My lungs burn as I try to suck in oxygen. I’ve never been a good runner, but this dress is slowing me down. I grab the skirt, lifting it without slowing my pace. Has it been ten minutes yet? I have no way of knowing. If I had been smart, I would have asked that they announced the time by firing a gun.Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve, I think bitterly. A rock cuts into the bottom of my foot, nearly tripping me. Hot tears sting the back of my eyes. How did I end up here? Luca said he’s been watching me for months and I had no idea. What is it about me that would attract someone like him?

Ahead, I spot a stream. Maybe I can follow it, crossing back and forth to make it hard to track me. I jump into the water and regret it right away. It’s so cold that it takes my breath away. Not only that, but it’s super deep. I end up submerged and have to kick my way to the surface. The maxi dress clings to me until I feel claustrophobic. It also tries to pull me under, making fear course through me. By the time I get out of the water, I’m shivering and depleted of the precious energy that I have left in my body.

A gun shot rings in the air, and it’s too close to comfort. Looks like I am going to get a warning, even though I didn’t think to ask for one. Tears do fall from my eyes this time as I try to find the red light in the distance to reorientate myself. I finally spot it and realize that my little swim in the creek turned me all around. After slipping and sliding on the muddy bank of the creek, I finally reach solid ground. My teeth chatter as I stumble ahead. Each step sends a shooting pain up my leg into my back, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so cold or if I hurt myself in the water.

Masculine laughter carries on the wind, but I don’t stop to look and see if someone is close. It won’t do any good. They know the layout of the land, so my best bet is to just keep moving. Only, it gets harder and harder with each step. My body is fighting against me to shut down. Luca’s words cross my mind. He’s right—this is my fault. I refused to eat, and now I’m weaker than I was before. A frustrated cry leaves my lips as I grab onto a tree to catch my breath.

Stopping is a mistake. I hear everything around me, and I know things aren’t looking good for me. Footsteps pound against the earth, sounding closer than further away. I look up at the tree. It’s too tall to climb. Even if I somehow managed to get up to a branch, my scent is all over the place. Once the dogs are released, they’ll find me instantly. I hit the trunk of the tree. How am I going to get out of this? I’m so tired and I don’t think I can bring myself to run.
