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There’s something wrong with me. That’s the only explanation for why I’m glad to see Luca. He strolls into the room, tossing his suit jacket on the chair by the fireplace. Going to the minibar, he pours a drink and tosses it back.

“Bad day?”

I shouldn’t ask, because that might give him the impression that I’m curious or even that I care.

He huffs. “Only the usual bullshit.”

“That sounds like a broad statement.”

He pours another drink and crosses the room, staring up at me. Deep in thought, he rubs the rim of the glass against his bottom lip, and my traitorous body takes notice. It would be so much easier to hate him if I didn’t find him attractive.

He says, “Chicago is split into three territories. We each handle our part of the city. Not only that, but we also have legal businesses that serve as fronts in case outsiders decide to look into us.”

“Which part do you run?”

I’ve seen the Di Bello name around, but I guess I’ve never given it much thought to which part they might control.

“The Di Bello Family handles the north part of town, but, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, some businesses are in the south.” He rubs his lip again before taking a drink. “One might think that the casinos or bars bring in the most money, but it’s really Hôtel de Lumière that brings in the cash.”

I nod. “I can see that.”

He smirks. “You can? And why is that?”

“There’s something about that hotel that makes you feel you’re entering a different time in a different country. It’s unlike all the other hotels in Chicago, and I think people can recognize that.”

He hums but doesn’t answer.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Business has been down at the hotel, and no one on my fucking team can figure out why.”

I’m not sure if he even cares what my opinions are, but I say, “Well, the price might be one thing holding you back. Six hundred, and that’s on a normal night. Just so we’re clear, that’s one-third of one of my paychecks. The average person can’t justify spending that kind of money, but maybe they’re not your target audience.”

“Go on.”

“Second, the man running the front desk is rude and scary. When I approached the front desk, he made it known that he didn’t think I was good enough to grace the lobby of Hôtel de Lumière.” I shake my head. “In retrospect, his reaction should have probably sent me packing.”

“I would have still found you.”

I loathe that his fucked-up words go right to my heart.

“I also think you could make it more inviting for families with kids. Right now, it feels like you only cater to rich men in the mafia who aren’t traveling with their wives and kids.”

He laughs at that. “You’ve got me there. Tell me, little bird. How have you managed to see what my team couldn’t?”

“Are they men who work for you?”


“There’s your answer. Try diversifying your team and see what you come up with.”

“I just might do that.” He finishes his drink. “Ready to come out for the night?”

My pulse skitters in my neck, but I nod. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the golden key that unlocks my cage. Stepping aside, he lets me walk by without grabbing for me.
