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“I’m fine.”

“People who are fine don’t have chainsaws running in the background.”

“Heard that, did ya?”

“Luca.” He sighs. “Let us help.”

I snort. “And then owe all the Families a favor? I think not.”

“Believe it or not, son, we would help you, expecting nothing in return. I know Alivse did a number on you boys, and you’re leery of trusting others. Let me say it again. We’re here if you need us.”

Midas might be the only fucking person in this world with the balls to speak of Grandfather, but, then again, he ruled over Grandfather, so he earned that right. If Grandfather had his way, he would have killed Midas. But Midas was just that good.

I say, “I will keep it in mind. For now, I’ve got things under control.”

Midas sighs, as if he’s disappointed.

“We’re here if you need us. Oh, and Hook has one request.”

“Stop dumping the bodies in the lake. Kindly remind him it’s the lake or the river. Either way, it’s going to wash up on his shores.”

Midas laughs. “Speak to you soon.”

Ending the call, I tuck my phone in my pocket and join Henri in the other room. He’s finished bagging up the body parts. All that’s left is to wash down the concrete.

“Who was that?”


“He must be getting upset by the body count.”

I grin. “Yeah. He said he and the other Families were there if we needed help, but I think we’re doing just fine.”

Henri points at me. “You’re bleeding.”

Looking down, I see where my black shirt is dark with blood. Shit. I’d felt a sting when we caught D’Arque’s man, but didn’t think about it once we got to the warehouse.

“Guess I should get home and clean this up.”

Henri pauses, and I know something’s on his mind. We’ve worked well together, all in the name of making sure Dove is protected. The irony isn’t lost on me because I still plan to kill her.

He says, “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I think you should let Dove go.”

“Fucking hell, Henri.”

“Hear me out. D’Arque knows about her, which means he sees her as a pawn that he can use against you. Keeping her makes you weak.”

“And letting her go is the solution? Come on, Henri. We both know he’ll get her as soon as I let her go.”

“I’ll keep her safe. You have my word.”

“My answer is no.”

He stares at me. “You know, one might suspect that you’re getting feelings for her and that’s why you don’t want to let her go.”

“Fuck off, Henri.”

I walk away, ignoring him and the fact that I can’t deny what he says.
