Page 80 of Truly You

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“Where did you come from?”

“The clinic.”

My heart speeds up. “Is she awake?”

Nathalie shakes her head. “No. I just wanted to hang out with my friend. Apparently, I learned that I’m not in the circle.”

“Fine, be her maid of honor.” Nydia glares at Nat. “I get to be godmother.”

“Are you pregnant?” Nathalie asks with such joy she almost bursts.

“I’d need to have sex in order for that to happen.”

“Just forgive him. He’s a Cantú, he’s bound to do something stupid. I think he’s groveled enough,” Nydia suggests.

“We’re together,” I confess, telling them how we fixed our relationship a few weeks ago. “It’s just been hard to find a place to do it. Mitchell moved in with us. The brewery has so many visitors we can’t use the closets, and the office is just as busy.”

Nathalie looks around. “Where’s Rumi, by the way?”

“She’s with Myka. I think she’s her favorite person.”

“Is that bitterness in your tone?” Nydia scoffs.

“No, just… I guess I should be happy that Rumi bonds with everyone.” Then I glance at Nathalie. “Where is Keaghan?”

“He’s with my dad. I never thought he’d be such a wonderful grandfather after being the worst father in the history of the world. I guess people surprise you.”

“Shouldn’t you be with them, bonding?”

Nat shakes her head. “Lang still hasn’t called.”

“I don’t know how you two deal with it. Your men disappear for days or weeks and… I’m sure they’re fine.”

“We know,” Nat says. “Fisher will drag his ass back home with bullet holes. It’s just nerve-wracking not hearing from them.

“Let’s get back to work,” Nydia mumbles. “These flowers don’t harvest themselves.”

I guess she doesn’t want to talk about it and so we concentrate on the lavender while forgetting everything else.

* * *

“Hey,” I greet Anya, sitting in the small room where they have her.

She doesn’t move. The machines beep, the sound is deafening and frightening. It brings up the memories of Mom and her last days.

“Rumi said Ban today. I think it’s going to take a few weeks, if not months for her to say my full name. Iskander is Kan. And she’s starting to call Mitchell, Da.” I begin to change her scarf to a new one and notice her hair is beginning to grow back. It’s not the strawberry blonde she used to have, more like an ash red.

“I think it’s time for you to wake up, though. Everyone wants to meet you, and Rumi misses you a lot. We’re trying our best to cover that hole your absence created, but we can only do so much.”

Nothing, she remains quiet.

I wonder what’d happen if she listened to Rumi’s voice. Not that I’d bring her with me, but maybe I can record her so Anya can hear her. I remember what Nat said. She’s healing, and there’s hope since there’s brain activity. At least, that’s what I think she said.

There’s a knock on the wall. When I turn, it’s Nathalie. “Hey,” she greets me. “How are you doing?”

“I’m better than I was when she gave me the news. Back then, I didn’t know if we could do something, but now, even when she’s still not awake, I have faith.”

Nat smiles. “Listen, I was in a meeting with her doctors.”
