Page 64 of Guilty as Sin

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The Colonel's head flew up from his paperwork.

"Well, my word. I suppose that was a smart thing to do, considering you are a woman. But why were you on a trail? Where did you come from?"

"Colonel, I've been on a trail for two weeks, I've come over a hundred miles, could I have some water… " she stalled for time.

"Of course, how thoughtless of me. You must be hungry and tired. I'll have someone see you to the mess hall then a room for you to rest, then we'll talk."

"Thank you, Colonel, that would be wonderful."

He nodded a bit puzzled by her.

A private came in and saw her to the mess hall, then after eating to her hearts content, she was shown to a small room on the other side of the barracks.

She laid on the bed and smiled.

It was soft, and she was asleep before she knew it.


When Moon returned three days earlier than he planned Jack was surprised to see him and wondering how he was going to tell him that Lissa ran off.

"You're back early."

Moon put his gear up and looked about the place. He didn't see Lissa and he was hungry for the sight of her. "We got two boars and three deer. Cully's gonna dress them out and you and I are gonna build a smokehouse. But I wanted to come back early. I have a new plan that might be easier on Lissa. I can't wait to tell her about it. It was something you said Corky had said that got me thinking."

Jack nodded. "Well, I've been thinking about a plan myself."

"Where's Lissa?"

"Well, I was gonna save this for a bit, but it looks as though I can't. She run off, Moon. Must have been the same day you left."

"Run off?" His eyes widened. "Where?"

"Yeah, she left this note for us." He handed it to Moon.

"Why? What does she mean doing something for us?" He frowned and stood up.

"We talked a few days earlier about it. But I thought I had her talked out of the notion. She got it in her head we'd be better off without her. Said with her gone, no one would bother us."

Jack stared at Moon now.

"Why'd you let her go, Jack?" Moon shouted.

"I didn't know she was going. I thought we'd settled it."

"Settled what?" Moon demanded.

"Well, like I said. She got this idea that she was in the way. And that if she left, then no one would bother us no more about the killing."

"They'll kill her, Jack!" Moon shouted.


"The first man who sees that poster, that's who!"

"Well, you and I been teachin' her so much stuff. She knows how to handle herself."

"She might know a few tricks, on how to stay alive in the woods, that's true. But she has no idea how to keep herself safe from the ones that want her. She's in great danger and it is my fault. I should have told her."

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