Page 77 of Guilty as Sin

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She smiled, "Having regrets so soon?"

"No, I am happy to be your husband."

"Are you?" she asked with a flirty smile.

"You will see, soon." He told her with a grin.

They ate and talked, and Cole was fed too. Then it was time to sleep. She wondered if there would be a wedding night here. She waited to see where he would lay his blanket, but he didn't.

"Are you not sleeping tonight?" she asked him.

"Not here, I have prepared us a place." He told her.

"You have, where?" her eyes rounded on him with surprise.

He picked her up in his arms and kissed her tenderly, then took her some distance and there, in the middle of a clearing was a small cabin. He set her down and she saw it.

She stared, "No one lives there?"

"Nope! It's ours to use."

Her cheeks bloomed a bright pink.

Chapter Fourteen

He carried her inside and to the back room, he set her down and went to lock the doors and windows. For now, he would leave Cole outside, he'd bring him in later.

She glanced around the room, it was a small bedroom with a real bed in it, and there were unlit candles all about the room, the covers were pulled back and waiting. She gasped. A fire was going in the fireplace.

How did he manage this, she wondered?

"Did you know about this place or something?" She asked when he came back not the room and lit a few of the candles. It looked romantic.

"Or something," he smiled. "No one of the scouts told me about it. Said the man that owned it died a few years back and not many knew it was here as it's tucked in this forest so well. Some of the scouts use it sometime. I got up early this morning, to make it a bit cozier."

"I can't believe it!" she smiled. "You did all of this?"

"I have wanted this for a long time. I wanted to do things right. I would not subject you to a cold hard bed of dirt for your honeymoon. Is that not the term used for the wedding night?"

She turned around to look at him with a huge smile, "I wouldn't care, as long as you were laying on the same cold earth with me."

He took her face in his hands cuddling her, his thumbs stroking her cheeks, his gaze focusing on her lips. "You are my wife now. And I will do for you as well as I can. I promise you!"

Then he kissed her so tenderly, she lost breath. She didn't need any breath, he gave her everything with this kiss. "I love you Moon," she whispered between kisses.

"And I want to make you mine, Lissa, this night and every night for the rest of my life. I thought us impossible until the Creator showed me it was not. He blessed us Lissa and because we have struggled to love each other, it is more powerful than most. I give you my heart tonight." He told her and kissed her again.

"Oh Moon," she whispered, as his lips went over her face slowly, enjoying each spot he stopped at, first her brow, then her lashes, down to the creamy cheek, across to the top of her nose, and then joining her waiting lips where she greeted him with a warm response.

"You are the love of my life, the fire in my loins, the sweetness in my heart." He told her.

"And you are a poet," she smiled as her eyes caressed him.

"Hardly that," he smiled. "but sometimes a man must say what is in his heart. Would you undress for me, I would like to look upon you?"

She smiled, "Alright."

Her hands went to the edge of her dress and she began pulling it up, slowly. She turned away from him, so that he saw her backside first. Her thighs were lean and well-shaped, but nothing prepared him for the temptation of a well-formed hip and butt. His breath hitched. He stared glassy-eyed. She lifted it higher, as her waist was small and indented, then her back, was beau
