Page 82 of Guilty as Sin

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But by noon they stopped alongside a huge boulder and camped to eat. Moon brought back a wild turkey and they roasted him. Still the need to be close was too great.

She was feeding Cole when he came up to her. He had changed into his breech cloth and leggings before they left the cabin, and she wore her everyday Indian dress. This dress was a little shorter on her and he let her know he enjoyed it.

He stared into her eyes and saw the desire lingering there. Without thought, he lowered his breech cloth and pushed her against the bolder, raising her dress he entered her and began making wild love to her. It was primitive and she let go of all shyness now. This was her husband, and she simply loved him. If he wanted her, he would have her, anywhere, any time, she quickly decided. It seemed so natural the way he took her there. He didn't have to prime her for readiness. She was hot and wet and ready for him. It shocked him how ready she was, she climbed him, throwing he legs around him and hanging on as he pumped her, rocking her body until they both orgasmed wildly in each other's arms. "Oh Moon, you do not lack for imagination." She chuckled.

"It isn't imagination, it's passion. I look at you and remember you body and I want you. It's that simple."

"I think we will have a wonderful life together."

She fell against the bolder in surrender, her need of him as great as his. How could he know she needed him so? How could he know she was ready for him, perhaps it was the look on her face as all she could think about was the way he touched her, kissed her, pleased her.

"I thought it impossible to do such a thing, but it is wonderful, Moon." She swooned as he kissed her wildly, her mouth fell open in total surrender. "With you nothing is impossible," he whispered as he pulled her butt toward him, "my hunger is as great as yours."

"Oh Moon, I never dreamed making love could be so wonderful. I never knew I'd want a man so much and so often. I look at you and the needs begin grow. Should I be ashamed of myself?"

He smiled as he kissed her, "We will find and invent many places to make love my sweet. I will hunger for you always. I feel the need as much as you, my sweet. It will take a while before our love cools down."

"Promise?" she smiled.

"Promise," he smiled back.

He kissed her long and hard and gently put her dress back to a reasonable length.

Every day he found a new way to make love with her. She was always of the same mind. She couldn't get enough of her new husband. At night they shed their clothes and made love against the earth.

"Are we shameful to love so much?" she asked.

"No, it is the way God intended man and woman to be. Especially since we are newly married."

"Will you stop making love to me when I'm old?"

"I will never stop, I might slow down, but I will never stop." He smiled and kissed her nipple that begged his attention.

"Promise?" she asked.

"Promise." He smiled.

The next day she took a bath in a creek they passed, he joined her, and they played, and laughed together, and loved. Their kisses grew hot, and their needs announced, as he took her to the banks and laid her down. He kissed the water from her body, and she savored the feel of his lips all over her. He spread her legs and entered her, as the orgasm came quickly. She sighed with such pleasure. "I'd hoped you would join me."

"I'm sorry, I had to have you." He told her.

"Don't be sorry, I needed you too. Your kisses inflame me. I've never been so bold, or confident of how I feel." She told him, as he continued to kiss her breasts now.

"The need inside me grows to have you again," he told her, and suddenly he plunged himself inside her, she welcomed him by throwing her legs around his waist and pulling him deeper as they kissed. His lips toyed with her breasts as he pumped her.

The orgasm was slow in coming and they were thrashing against the soft earth, and moaning each other's name, until finally it came bursting inside them like a tidal wave. They both quivered with exhaustion. She laid her head on his shoulder and kissed him at the neck.

"You are a magnificent lover," she told him breathlessly. "Every time is different than the last, and better. How will we ever be able to act decent around Jack?" she asked.

He moved to hold her close and rest. "We will invent new ways to be alone, to find places and times for ourselves. I think we have proven that a bed is not the only place to make love."

"It sounds… exciting!"

"It will be my love, I promise you that." He kissed her shoulder and pulled her fully into his arms, cuddling with her.

"Will you tire of me quickly?" she asked.

"Never, you are the woman I have waited so long for. The woman of my dreams. You are never angry when I take you so suddenly."
