Page 91 of Guilty as Sin

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He smiled, "I'm hungry, but not for that… "

She stared into his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, without invitation, he pulled his head down to her so she could kiss him senseless. He pulled her into his lap once more. He laid her head in the crook of his good arm and looked into her beautiful eyes, "It may be a while before I can keep my hands off my beautiful wife." He whispered near her ear.

"I don't mind, I feel the same," she cried her lips exploring him now. "Is this needy feeling part of being newly married?" she asked between sultry kisses.

His ran his hand up her dress and touched her lovely breasts. She squirmed in his arms. "Do you still feel like an old-maid?" he grinned.

She smiled into his shining eyes, "I feel like a woman who can't keep her hands off her husband."

They kissed for a long time, until her lips were raw, and fi

nally she pushed him away. "We'll need something for supper," she told him with a red face.

"Do you really want to eat?"

She grinned. "Do you really want me again?" she asked breathless for his answer.

"I can think of something much more appetizing than food. Can't you?"

He turned the lamps down low, locked the doors and got a blanket. He threw the blanket on the floor and came up to her. She could smell his male scent, it drew her, she could feel the tension between them, she licked her lips, her eyes landed on his. Her mouth fell open, and she had no idea how sexy she looked standing there, waiting for his touch. He created a fever in her that she could not rid herself of.

"You are a temptation woman, and you know it."

She grinned. "I can see the advantage of these mating games."

"And your getting very good at them, sweetheart. But you know what?"

"What?" she barely whispered.

"I don't mind a bit." He grinned.

He walked up to her and she stared at him waiting to see what he might do. Without a sound, he reached for the hem of her dress and slowly began to raise it. But instead of removing it. He went to his knees, which she did not expect. What was he doing? He pulled the dress higher, he stared at her womanhood, his finger dipped between her legs urging her to spread her legs. She complied with a whimper. He bent his head and tasted her, and she moaned the eustacy of his loving touches. His actions created a fire inside her belly. A fire he would have to put out. His hands spread her legs further and his mouth made love to her.

"I cannot think when you touch me like this." She leaned back so her hair draped down her back.

"Good, thinking is not necessary. Feeling is." He grinned up at her.

She let out a little chuckle, "I'm doing plenty of that…"

"That's my Lady." He smiled up at her. Her head was leaning back, her hair flowed over her shoulders and back in rich lustrous colors of red. She had no idea how desirable she looked. Her mouth was open in a gasp at his gentle persuasion. "Relax sweetheart and let your feeling take you over. Enjoy my love."

All her senses came to life, as he suddenly swooped the dress away and chucked his own clothes. He laid her down gently, knowing she was hot and wet for him, and him alone. Her breast were knotted in a beautiful pink. They seemed to reach for him. He lost breath looking at her so aroused. His lips found her breasts and he romanced them with the tender flick of his tongue and hands. She ran her hand through his hair and gloried in his male scent that sent her over the edge of reason. Her fingertips ran over his wide shoulders wildly, her lips did the same. She was a ravenous lover and he enjoyed the way she prowled his body, wanting more of him. Gone was the shy schoolteacher, replaced by a woman of many passions.

He entered her and she worked her muscles to pull him in deeper. "I will never tire of making love with you."

"That is good, as I intend to do it as often as possible." He chuckled softly at her ear. "Be assured I will find many places, and many ways to make love with my Lady."

The climax they sought was building into an inferno, as they explored each other's body with languid slowness. Their hearts thundered, as the need intensified, the heat grew hotter, making them sweat, making their bodies slick. As they continued on a high of love, she scratched his back with her nails, digging into him as he sent her spiraling into a maze of desire, lust and love. The orgasm hit them both with shockingly acute precision, their bodies rising to the occasion with such gusto, plunging them into fiery inferno of love. The smells, the tastes, the indescribable moment when desire, love and sexual pleasure released over them like a violent storm, but oh so pleasant storm, uniting their bodies in the oneness of their love.

It was long rapturous moments later that they came back to earth completely satisfied and exhausted.

"Was it good for you?" He whispered breathlessly.

"If it was any better, I'd be in heaven itself." She cried.

"You are the most fantastic woman I've ever known, and now you are mine. It is hard to believe the sweet innocent little schoolteacher has become a lioness in my arms."

"Yes, do you like the change!" she cried with happiness.
