Page 92 of Stolen Heart

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He played with her, wrestled her lightly on the floor and began kissing her all over. She swooned with happiness.

They made love for hours, playing, touching, talking and feeling the oneness that only their love could bring.

When winter finally came, Anya was there to help Sasha through her labor. Sasha was in pain for hours and Wolf was making a trail in their tepee he was so nervous. He hated to see her in pain. And when she screamed, he came to her and held her hand and spoke soft words to her.

It was nearly midnight on Christmas Eve when her boy child was born. He was a strong and healthy young man.

Wolf stared at him in total silence as she nursed him.

Then she handed him to him. "This is your son, Wolf, your first son." She told him with such gladness.

Wolf took the child in his arms and stared at his little fingers. The baby took hold of his finger strongly.

"He is strong."

"Of course he is. He's your son." She smiled contentedly now.

Wolf talked to his son somberly then he took him outside to the waiting crowd and showed his son to the world. "Welcome to the Wind River Valley son, and these are your people."

The crowd was in awe and happy celebrations went on all day. Drums beat, dances were held, and food abounded.

"How many children do you want, Wolf?" Sasha asked him later that same day.

"I am not sure, after all, you were in such pain."

"That is normal. I hope I didn't scare you. I figure we will have five or six more, so get used to it, my love."

Wolf smiled into her eyes. "I love you Sasha."

"That is a good thing, as I love you right back, my love."

"What shall we name him?" Sasha asked.

"I like the name from the bible of the great chief. We will call him, David!"

"It is a good name," she smiled.

He kissed her softly on the lips.

The Wind River Valley Reservation remained peaceful for many, many years. The Shoshone and the Arapaho remained happy and successful.

Sasha and Black Wolf had nine children and David became chief when he grew up. His brother Daniel followed him years later.

Sasha studied medicine at Ft. Hall learning how to help cure some of the white man's diseases for her people. She was the Shaman for both the Shoshone and Arapaho for many years.

Nakota led his people well and held council many times for the Shoshone.

Black Wolf had stolen the heart of an Arapaho woman and lived happily for many decades in the Wind River Valley Reservation. They lived to be very old and were buried side by side by her father, Walking Bear.

The End
