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He took her in his arms, and held her close. "Yes, I do."

"Then I want to help." She turned to him and pledged.

"Help?" He made such a face. "Beth you can't do that; you are a woman."

"I know that. But I won't let you do this alone…."

Mother Cahill saw her son protest but stood up and put a hand on both of them. "You're going to need help. Let her help you. Let us both help you. You can instruct us, and we can do things for you as you need. We'll be here for your back. You're going to need our support all you can get."

"I can't risk it." He nearly shouted. "I can't and won't risk losing either of you."

"I want to help," Beth pleaded, and tiptoed to kiss his lips, right there in front of his mother.

"God help me…." he murmured and finally pushed her away. "We'll see…" He conceded.

She nodded and smiled.

"No matter who questions you, you must never tell." Wade told them.

They both nodded.

"From this moment on, the ship is our first priority." He informed them. "It has to be. Now, a lot of things will look as though I'm working for the north. But you must always remember that my loyalty is with the south. Even if we lose. I don't think that will change, but if it does, I'll tell you both."

"Is that possible?" His mother asked. "That we might lose?"


Again they nodded.

"This isn't a game…" He warned. "It's going to be very dangerous. Some things I'll have to do whether I want to or not. I want you both to understand that. At times it may look as though I am for the one side, when I'm doing it for the other side. You must cope with me. Trust me."

His mother nodded. "Of course. But you must realize that you could be hung by either side if they knew."

"I do realize that, but I don't intend getting caught. And from time to time, I might need your help, both of you."

"We'll do whatever we need to do to help you." Beth assured him.

Chapter Eleven

Beth had readied herself for going portside and was dressed in a beautiful green outfit when Mother Cahill came down the special ramp that Wade had built just for her. She looked like some queen, dressed so elegantly in her silks and big feather hat.

"You look beautiful, my dear." Mother Cahill took her hands.

"As do you. I'll have to watch those older men; someone might try to sweep you away." Beth chuckled.

"I have to admit, I'm rather excited about getting out. I haven't been on land in ages and I'm afraid my sea legs might not support me." She chuckled.

"We'll have a wonderful time." Beth assured her.

"Where is Wade this morning?" Mother Cahill asked.

"He's in a poker game. He said if there is any sign of trouble to come back to the ship immediately." Beth told her.

"Of course. But we won't have a bit. I just know it. There is this perfect little tea shop I can't wait to show you. I haven't been there in years." Mother Cahill's voice lilted.

"Sounds wonderful."

Beth let Mother Cahill push herself until the unloading ramp became congested with so many people. She then pushed her gently down the ramp, exclaiming to a few men with no manners that a lady was trying to get through.
