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A war was threatening her perfect life.

She leaned heavily against the railing.

"Beth, honey, are you alright?"

"It's just…I saw…"

"You saw what?" Wade asked taking her into his arms.

"Texas seceded from the Union."

"I know…I didn't want to alarm you or mother. How did you find out?"

"There was a paper on a table. I saw lots of people gathering, talking. I wondered what was going on. When they left, I went to their table and saw the paper. I can't believe it."

"I know honey. Come on, I want to talk to you and mother about this…"

"Now?" She asked.

"Yes, now." He insisted.

"Alright." She let him guide her to the sitting room where he had helped his mother stretch out on a couch.

He woke her and then he set in front of her and Beth.

His mother was still a little groggy so he ordered a hot tea for them both and waited until the waiter brought it for them before he began.

"We are a family, and we have to talk about this. War has been declared, that much is certain." Wade began. "In time all that we now see will have changed. You must prepare yourselves for it. This boat is an important thing to both sides. And I have a plan, it's bold, it's a gamble, but I think it will work."

"What is it?" Beth asked, grabbing his mother's hand and holding it securely.

"They want me to join the North." Wade announced letting that sink in.

"But…you can't. You’re a southerner." Beth cried.

"I will join, but I want the two of you to know something here and now, and only the two of you, no one else must know." Wade made them both promise. "Not the employees of the is boat, not anyone. Do you understand?"

"Of course…what is your plan?" His mother looked him in the eye.

"I'll join the north. But I'll spy for the south also. I've already got a connection. It's arranged."

Beth's mouth flew open. "A spy."

"But you must never say that word again, honey. Never."

Beth nodded numbly.

"They are gonna want to use this boat for transporting purposes. That's fine, at least that way I'll know what they are transporting and when. I've already got a contact, and it's arranged."

"Have you thought this through. If they catch you they could hang you." His mother frowned.

"Then I'll have to make sure they don't catch me, won't I?" Wade smiled at her.

"It's very risky…" his mother cautioned.

"I know that mother."

"Do you have to do this," Beth stood up and reached for him.
