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"I hope so sir." Wade grinned and they shook hands.

"You haven't been married long, have you?"

"No sir, we're still newlyweds. It's a difficult time to be newlyweds."

"She's a beautiful woman."

"In more ways than one, sir. And very young too."

"I have to tell you I've always fancied southern women, they have more manners and all of them can dance."

Wade lightened up for a minute and chuckled. "You're right about that, sir."

"I want to warn you now, this isn't going to be over in a month or two…"

"No sir, I didn't think it would. I hoped it might, but I didn't believe it."

The General nodded, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight sir."

Chapter Fifteen

The next contact came in two days. Wade was shocked that it would be so soon. A Colonel came up to him as he was talking to the engineer.

"Mr. Cahill?" The Colonel waited until he had his full attention.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Wade stared blankly at the man.

"I'm glad you asked that son. I've got some special cargo and I'm told you can deliver it for me." The Colonel smiled into Wade's surprised face. "The name's Durham, Colonel Durham to you."

"What kind of cargo?" Wade squinted in the noon day sun.

"Let's talk about that somewhere private." The Colonel suggested. "Shall we?"

"All right." He directed him to the back of the boat, near the paddles. It was loud back there and no one would overhear them. "It's rather loud back here, we won't be overheard. Now, exactly what are we talking about, sir?"

The Colonel eyed him a bit suspiciously. "How come you never signed up for the cause sir."

Wade was taken aback. He's already been asked that same question by passengers and diplomats. "Is this what you've taken me away from my work for? Because if it is, I don't have the time. I would think that obvious sir, I have a boat to manage. I can't do both."

"Oh yes, well, service to your countrymen is much more important than a mere boat."

Wade turned his head a bit, "Is it? Is it really? Perhaps, but when the war is over, this is my livelihood, so it is important to me. I didn't start this war, I'm not responsible for the war."

The Colonel didn't look satisfied. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't harass you about it, as long as you supply our needs, now should I?"

"No sir. You shouldn't."

It was the way he said it, that had the Colonel looking deeper.

"We have a cannon, that I want transported to the Kentucky lines."

"I see. Cargo is easily enough disguised." Wade nodded.

"We want you to pick it up in Greenville and carry it north almost to the Illinois line and there Major George will receive it."

"I see, when?"
