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"Oh Wade…" she cried, snuggling close to him now. "I do understand that, but…I so want to be near you all the time."

"We haven't had much of a honeymoon, have we?" He smiled as he pet her.

"As much as I want you, and I do want you, make no mistake of that. If I were to get you pregnant, I might mess things up from worrying over you. Do you see?"

"Yes…yes my darling, I see. Oh Wade…I wish this war would go away. I so wish this war would go away."

"I'm afraid that it won't. Not for a very long time…"

"But we can't go on forever…not being one…not consummating the marriage…"

"Oh Beth," he put his finger over her lips. "Don't do this. I'll find a way to manage all of this, but it's so new to me right now. It's so dangerous. We have to use our heads. You talk about losing me, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you."

He raised up over her and saw the tears threatening to fall. "Oh please don't fret so, we'll find a way, soon."

She nodded seeing how serious he was and how upset. "Yes…you are right. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you. I won't put any more pressure on you. I know you carry enough as it is."

"And I couldn't bear it, if something happened to you or mother either. So we've got to use our heads and somehow get through this alive."

She nodded, she snuggled close again his hands holding her tightly. "It's enough to know you want me."

"It's not nearly enough for me." He said and kissed her hard on the lips, making her feel his inner most pain. "I'm insane with wanting you. But, to be this close, to have you by my side…it means so much to me. The rest will come, I promise that."

She smiled and went to sleep and he cradled her in his arms all night, just enjoying the feel of her in his arms.


The next day the confederate soldiers arrived on time and the passengers although they weren't expecting it, accepted the fact that it was for a good cause and seemed to hail Wade as a hero for allowing them on the boat.

General Martin was on the sidelines watching it all. Wade would constantly be under scrutiny.

However, the one good thing was that he would be transporting the confederates, his guest would certainly understand and it would cause everyone less tension. Had he transported for the North it could cause too much tension.

The first run of soldiers into Kentucky went smoothly. And the Major informed him that there would be others contacting him soon.

Wade agreed.

"You know this is one of the safest ways for us to get troops up the line. Your boat will be invaluable to us." The Major tipped his hat to him.

Wade smiled and watched them march off.

That evening he talked again with the General.

"He said I'd be contacted by others."

"Good, that's very good. They trust you. This could be very good for the north. I daresay you may even end up a hero for your country before this is through."

In order to establish a sense of trust with the General Wade looked him in the eye, "I won't lie to you sir, my sympathies lie with the south, but you'll have my loyalties as long as my boat stay intact. But I am concerned about one thing."

"Go on?"

"You are a sick man, if anything happened to you while you were on this boat, with me carrying southern troops, how do I explain it all?"

The General bowed his head. "That is something I hadn't thought of. But, it is a good question. I've put my illness to the back of my mind and haven't even considered it. You are right of course. I will arrange a comrade to take my place should anything happen, as soon as it is arranged I'll give you the name and how to contact them. My superiors will know of your work for us and even though we might have to make it look as though you are being arrested, you won't be. But you could be replaced on the boat temporarily until such time as we could bring you back. You see, spies live a dangerous life, but since you've given me such a great opportunity to carry this through and inform my troops of moves, I will protect you in case of mishaps. I will see to this personally and get back with you on it."

"It would mean a lot to know that I won't be arrested if anything happens to you."

The General stared at him for a long moment. "I appreciate you saying that. Because I know you are a southerner. However, I think before this war is over we might actually become good friends and you may find you are more a patriot than you think."
