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"If she's on schedule, a day or two, if she's not there's no telling." Beth said. She sat on the banks of the river, it was peaceful here.

"We still need to keep watch for soldiers and such, I think we are probably safe as far as the Indians but the Confederates will be about. We don't want them getting a hold of you." Beth told him.

"You stay here; I'll scout out the area. If there are any about we'll needs some cover." Jacob told her.

She nodded, "Be careful."

"Don't you worry about that. I don't aim to get caught this close to the boat." Jacob smiled at her.

Jacob was gone a long time and Beth started fretting about him. But directly he came back. "Looks clear, but I'll need to scout the area regularly until the boat comes. Any sign of the Lady Belle?"

"Not yet, if it comes this afternoon, then we'll be good. If it doesn't I don't know." Beth sighed.

"Getting anxious to see Wade again?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I am. I've missed him…and he doesn't even know we are coming." She smiled.

"Are you sure he'll dock?" Jacob glanced at her for reassurance.

"He'll dock, we must be close enough to the dock and be ready though, in case there is any trouble. I don't know how things are going aboard the ship." Beth said, as her mind explored the possibilities. Then suddenly she looked at Jacob. "How did Pa take it when you told him about wanting to fight for the north?

"He seemed to think on it before he ever said anything. But it did surprise me what he said. He said if he was my age, he'd do the same." Jacob watched her reaction.

"No kidding? I'm glad he's too old to join up though. Can you imagine the problems Ma would have if he had to join?" Beth shook her head.

"Well…they could change the age any time they want to. But I can't see Pa leavin' Ma. I just can't." Jacob shook his head.

"Surely with as many children as he has under age, they wouldn't call him." Beth frowned.

"I hope not. As Pa might declare war on them himself. He'd never leave Ma with all the kids to feed." Jacob assured her.

"This war…it's so hopeless." Beth said realizing all the possibilities for families to lose so much. "I don't think either side stopped to think of all the complications the war itself has brought. People like Ma and Pa and the kids."

"War never makes a lot of sense." Jacob told her. "But once it starts, someone has to finish it. Even though the south took Ft. Sumter, and won the battle of Bull Run, I still don't think they'll win this war. The north has more supplies, and more men, even though we started with more men, these battles are bloody and have cost us gravely. I'm pulled in two directions. I want to be true to my roots, which is the south, but I feel the north is right and I can't justify a war against my country."

Beth sighed, "Wade was going to spy for the south at first. But then he was approached by the north, and the north actually treated him better and had more respect for his boat. So he's leaning towards being a spy for the north now. I don't know if that has changed or not, though."

"I didn't get to know Wade before you married but I hope we get along well." Jacob said as he scrunched down into the weeds and kept a vigil.

"He's pretty easy going, but the tension aboard ship has changed considerably since the war started. It's best not to let anyone know what side you are really on, on board. People get in some scrapes sometimes.

"A lot of men are going to die on both sides…" Jacob said sadly.

Then the Lady Belle appeared from the distance and Beth's heartbeat quickened.

As they neared the docks though a small troop of confederate soldiers gathered to board. The commanding officer, a rather young looking Lieutenant approached them as they started to board.

"Have you enlisted sir?" He asked Jacob straight out.

"No sir, I'm just escorting my sister home, that's all."

"You can enlist at Natchez," he informed him and walked off.

Jacob nodded and led Beth up the ramp.

Wade saw them and rushed to her side. "My God, you're here!" he cried taking her into his arms and crushing her with a hug.

"I've missed you terribly," she cried.
