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"No more than I. How's mother?"

"Fine, her and my mother are getting along splendidly." She cried.

"Jacob?" Wade grabbed his hand and hugged him too. "Good to see you again."

"Thank you sir." Jacob grinned.

"Come inside…" Wade encouraged them into a cabin that was empty at the moment.

After giving Beth a kiss she wouldn't forget, he held her close as they all talked.

"Jacob wants to either work with you, or go north to enlist." Beth told him.

Wade studied him a minute. "Well Jacob, I appreciate that. But I could use you here, if you don't mind hard work."

"Not at all, sir."

"No, you don't have to sir me, it's Wade, you are family. I'd rather you worked here with me than enlist, and there are many reasons which we will discuss at length. Now that we are family, this boat becomes just as important to you as to me. If you will work with me, maybe we can come out of this war with an asset, instead of a liability. You'd have your own cabin, private of course, your own duties and if you like, I can enlist you as a spy for the north, if you are interested. There might be times I need you to be my eyes and ears. Does this interest you?"

Jacob's eyes widened and a big smile broke over his face, "Very much…I was just telling Beth I didn't relish this war, or choosing a side, but my allegiance is to the north, even though I'm a southerner. But the way you put it, it sounds like my true allegiance is to this boat."

Wade smiled and nodded, "Good, I’m glad you feel that way. And having a ally I can trust would mean a lot to me. Right now trust is very important."

"I can see where it would be." Jacob nodded.

"Well, let's get the two of you

fed properly, and your cabin established and we'll go over some of the details later. I'm just happy to have some family here, the tension has been very tight. The south has won the first two skirmishes, and they are assuming this war won't last long, but I'm afraid they are over confident just yet. As it takes a while just to get a war planned."

Jacob nodded, and they walked along deck now, not speaking of the war, but of the passengers and duties. Beth held Wade's arm tight and felt so complete being at his side once more. It's where she belonged and she knew that beyond any doubts.

They dined and General Martin stopped by, Wade introduced them and as the General left their table he told Jacob quietly he'd talk to him later about it all.

Later he showed Jacob to his cabin, which was nicely furnished and spacious. Jacob was impressed. "I didn't expect anything like this."

"Nonsense, you are family, and you are going to help me, partly by just being here for me. I think I was in need of some family backup." He smiled.

"I'm going to retire and let the two of you talk for a while," Beth smiled at them.

Wade looked seriously at her, "You feeling alright?" He asked with concern.

"I feel fine, just tired. It was a real journey here; I'm sure Jacob can fill you in on the troubles in Texas." Beth said. She reached to kiss his cheek.

"Fine, I'll be in to check on you in a bit, then. I'm so glad you are here." He said his eyes shining into hers.

"Me too!" She exclaimed, beaming with a smile.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Wade and Jacob talked for a long while, then Wade had him follow him around to show him things he might need him to take care of. Jacob felt confident he could handle almost anything and Wade was more than a little happy to have Jacob by his side.

Later that evening Beth joined them for supper, looking refreshed and happy. She had bathed and dressed in a beautiful blue frock and they caught up on all the news and goings on aboard ship.

Several people stopped at their table and Jacob met several young ladies from affluent families. Since Jacob was quite a stunning young man, the young ladies were eager to meet and get to know him. So he offered to take them on deck. He had one on each arm and Beth couldn't believe that her brother had grown up before she knew it.

It gave Beth and Wade some time to be alone too.

"I'm so glad you brought him." Wade smiled at her. "You are looking very refreshed from your little rest."
