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"He's a wise man. How long has he been in the service?"

"Most of his life."

"Will he survive through this war?" She asked.

"I don't know. He's very ill."

"I rather like him. He's not imposing. He doesn't require attention like the Confederate officers insist on."

"Thank the Lord for that," Wade said and put his paperwork up. "Now, you can refer to your schedule any time, if you forget. Taking care of these things will free me up considerably and right now that is a good thing because General Martin is almost totally incapable of getting messages out. It's either I or Jacob that must carry them through."

"He's that bad off?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Please be careful my love, I don't want our child to be fatherless." She cried and kissed him until he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

They lay in each other's arms enjoying touching and looking at each other. Enjoying enticing each other into making love.

"I never thought the young girl from East, Texas would ever fall into my arms and make love with me every night." He smiled contentedly.

"I better watch it; I'll be pregnant every year with your babies." She giggled.

"You know I haven't played a single game of poker in months now."

"Oh my, we don't want to get out of practice, now do we?"

He smiled, "No, but I can think of things I'd rather be doing now…" He smiled as he opened her robe to find her naked. "My God woman, do you have any idea what you do to me?"

"Show me," she whispered, opening the robe fully so he could get a good look.

He bent to kiss her nipples, both of them, then with a sexy smile he took her to bed, and showed her!

Chapter Twenty-Four

Three months later, General Martin died in his cabin, while asleep. Wade reported it to the Union authorities and they informed him that he would take his place with a higher commission.

They took the General off the boat, and as far as anyone knew he was buried in his homeland. Wade was vague about that. He wished he could attend the General's funeral, for he was given the highest of honors. But it would be hard to explain if a Confederate were to witness it.

Instead, Wade studied the General's plans and meeting places. He informed Jacob of them too. And insisted that Jacob have a commission in service too, as he was invaluable to Wade at this point.

Jacob and Beth ran the boat, while Wade saw to all the Confederate shipments and reported them to his superiors. The passengers noticed Wade's lack of attendance, but no one was bold enough to say anything.

Beth always had a ready answer for the Confederate officers who wondered where Wade was many times.

"Your husband seems to be away a lot these days." One Colonel suggested one evening when the cargo was being loaded.

"He has business holdings in many parts of the River, he has to take care of them as they come up."

"What sort of business holdings?" The Colonel persisted.

Jacob heard the line of questioning and stepped up, "He does not discuss all of them with us, but his business has increased since the war began naturally and he has to attend to schedules all along the Mississippi. But your needs are being met as we speak sir, and I have been instructed to carry your orders out to complete satisfaction."

"I see, well, that is courteous of you of course and the south appreciates it. Although we can't help but wonder why you haven't enlisted."

"As you can see, I'm needed on my brother-in-law's boat sir. I came from Texas to assist him. It is your continued patronage that has increased his workload, I assure you."

"His business must have increased greatly to have you both tending his work."
