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Beth wanted to present a charming front for the southern cause. "We want to do our part for the cause, Colonel." She fanned herself looking ravishing as she said it.

"That's admirable." He smiled and kissed Beth's hand.

One time he had to sneak off the boat and report in person right after the General died and it was harrowing getting through the Confederate lands to the northern contacts. It took days and worried Beth at the same time.

But she never shirked her responsibilities and always helped to run the boat.

One day she got a letter from home.

"Something interesting, I hope." Jacob came up from behind her.

"It's from Ma. She said they were all doing fine, including Mother Cahill. Said the Indian raids had slowed down a bit since they raised some vigilantes to get after them. That Daniel was Baptized last month along with Sarah. That Mother Cahill had learned to load and reload guns, make wild plum jelly and they had a barn dance two weeks ago. Said Sarah had a young man she danced with all night long, and it looked as though she was very interested in him although Ma sat her down and talked to her about things and that she wasn't near ready to marry yet. Matthew is turning eighteen and enlisting in the Confederate army." She laid the letter down and frowned. "Oh my, I dreaded that."

"Matthew is a southern kind of man. I just hope he gets in a good unit and learns how to stay alive. I knew it was coming. But I just couldn't stay and fight for the south. My heart wasn't in it." Jacob swore under his breath.

"I sure hope Matthew knows what he's doing."

"He has no choice. They're calling up everyone from 18-35, and considering 45."

"That's true, not now he doesn't have a choice. I'm glad father is forty-six then." Beth sighed heavily.

"Does she say anything else?" Jacob asked.

"She said there is no word from Martina. And she sends her love and hopes we are all well."

"I'm seriously afraid Martina is a lost cause."

"Oh God, I hope you are wrong."

"So do I." Jacob smiled. "You know, I really like running this boat."

"Do you?" Beth smiled, glad they were no longer talking about the letter.

"Yeah, I've learned so much and I enjoy most of the work too."

"Do you miss home?" She asked staring into his blue eyes.

"Sometimes, but not often. It's kind of funny, but I don't think I'd fit in back there anymore. This is a whole different world here, Beth. And I like it." Jacob was smiling. "The work here suits me, and I have learned how to negotiate my way with the passengers, whether they are young and beautiful, or old and onry."

She chuckled.

"I'm glad Jacob. I'm so glad you came with me. You've been a big help to Wade and me. We don't know what we'd do without you." Beth said.

"Yeah well, that reminds me, you better go check the dining menu, make sure it's all correct and no problems. I'll check the ga

ming room."

"Sounds good."

"Say, you feelin' alright these days? I haven't really asked about the baby much…" Jacob apologized.

"I'm fine, the baby is a frisky bugger, I can tell you that. The doc just checked me out said everything was well."

"Wade seems to be a little jumpy lately. I think it's because of the baby but I don't know for sure." Jacob commented. "Since Martin died he's been on pins and needles."

"I know. I'm fine, there's a doctor on board, and everything is looking good. Ma did this twelve times, I think I can manage my first…" She chuckled.

"Sis, I think you could handle just about anything." Jacob winked and left for the the game room."
